- `[builder]` Output `TypeDef` keys can be marked as optional
- `[builder]` Bumped `black` and `isort` to the latest versions
- `[ci]` Using `ruff` instead of `flake8`, `isort` and `black`
- `[builder]` Union `TypeDef` definitions no longer have clashing names
- `[builder]` Output `TypeDef` map lookup did not work as expected
- `[services]` `Literal` names are capitalized even if the underlying shape name is not
- `[services]` `Client`/`ServiceResource` class names are capitalized even if the service name is not
- `[services]` All potentially optional keys in output shapes marked as `NotRequired`
- `[cognito-idp]` `NextToken` output key marked as `NotRequired` (reported by filol in 238)
- `[dynamodb]` `Item` output key marked as `NotRequired` (reported by pavlobielousov in 241)
- `[s3]` `Contents` output key marked as `NotRequired` (reported by raymondbutcher in 242)
- `[s3]` `CommonPrefixes` output key marked as `NotRequired` (reported by guilhem-dvr in 248)