
Latest version: v0.6.5

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Not secure
* Added Pydantic data models of `BackendConfiguration` for both HDF5 and Zarr datasets (container/mapper of all the `DatasetConfiguration`s for a particular file). [PR 568](
* Changed the metadata schema for `Fluorescence` and `DfOverF` where the traces metadata can be provided as a dict instead of a list of dicts.
The name of the plane segmentation is used to determine which traces to add to the `Fluorescence` and `DfOverF` containers. [PR 632](
* Modify the filtering of traces to also filter out traces with empty values. [PR 649](
* Added tool function `get_default_dataset_configurations` for identifying and collecting all fields of an in-memory `NWBFile` that could become datasets on disk; and return instances of the Pydantic dataset models filled with default values for chunking/buffering/compression. [PR 569](
* Added tool function `get_default_backend_configuration` for conveniently packaging the results of `get_default_dataset_configurations` into an easy-to-modify mapping from locations of objects within the file to their correseponding dataset configuration options, as well as linking to a specific backend DataIO. [PR 570](
* Added `set_probe()` method to `BaseRecordingExtractorInterface`. [PR 639](
* Changed default chunking of `ImagingExtractorDataChunkIterator` to select `chunk_shape` less than the chunk_mb threshold while keeping the original image size. The default `chunk_mb` changed to 10MB. [PR 667](

* Fixed GenericDataChunkIterator (in in the case where the number of dimensions is 1 and the size in bytes is greater than the threshold of 1 GB. [PR 638](
* Changed `np.floor` and `` usage to `math.floor` and `` in various files. [PR 638](
* Updated minimal required version of DANDI CLI; updated `run_conversion_from_yaml` API function and tests to be compatible with naming changes. [PR 664](

* Change metadata extraction library from `fparse` to `parse`. [PR 654](
* The `dandi` CLI/API is now an optional dependency; it is still required to use the `tool` function for automated upload as well as the YAML-based NeuroConv CLI. [PR 655](


Not secure
Back-compatibility break
* The `CEDRecordingInterface` has now been removed; use the `Spike2RecordingInterface` instead. [PR 602](

* Added support for python 3.12 [PR 626](
* Added `session_start_time` extraction to `FicTracDataInterface`. [PR 598](
* Added `imaging_plane_name` keyword argument to `add_imaging_plane` function to determine which imaging plane to add from the metadata by name instead of `imaging_plane_index`.
* Added reference for `imaging_plane` to default plane segmentation metadata. [PR 594](
* Changed Compass container for Position container in the `FicTracDataInterface`. [PR 606](
* Added option to write units in meters by providing a radius in `FicTracDataInterface`. [PR 606](
* Added `parent_container` keyword argument to `add_photon_series` that defines whether to add the photon series to acquisition or 'ophys' processing module. [PR 587](
* Added Pydantic data models of `DatasetInfo` (immutable summary of core dataset values such as maximum shape and dtype) and `DatasetConfiguration` for both HDF5 and Zarr datasets (the optional layer that specifies chunk/buffering/compression). [PR 567](
* Added alignment methods to `FicTracDataInterface`. [PR 607](
* Added alignment methods support to `MockRecordingInterface` [PR 611](
* Added `NeuralynxNvtInterface`, which can read position tracking NVT files. [PR 580](
* Adding radius as a conversion factor in `FicTracDataInterface`. [PR 619](
* Coerce `FicTracDataInterface` original timestamps to start from 0. [PR 619](
* Added configuration metadata to `FicTracDataInterface`. [PR 618](
* Expose number of jobs to `automatic_dandi_upload`. [PR 624](
* Added `plane_segmentation_name` keyword argument to determine which plane segmentation to add from the metadata by name instead of `plane_segmentation_index`.
`plane_segmentation_name` is exposed at `BaseSegmentationExtractorInterface.add_to_nwbfile()` function to support adding segmentation output from multiple planes. [PR 623](
* Added `SegmentationImages` to metadata_schema in `BaseSegmentationExtractorInterface` to allow for the modification of the name and description of Images container and description of the summary images. [PR 622](
* Default chunking pattern of RecordingInterfaces now attempts to use as many channels as possible up to 64 total, and fill with as much time as possible up to the `chunk_mb`. This also required raising the lower HDMF version to 3.11.0 (which introduced 10 MB default chunk sizes). [PR 630](

* Remove `starting_time` reset to default value (0.0) when adding the rate and updating the `photon_series_kwargs` or `roi_response_series_kwargs`, in `add_photon_series` or `add_fluorescence_traces`. [PR 595](
* Changed the date parsing in `OpenEphysLegacyRecordingInterface` to `datetime.strptime` with the expected date format explicitly set to `"%d-%b-%Y %H%M%S"`. [PR 577](
* Pin lower bound HDMF version to `3.10.0`. [PR 586](

* Removed `use_times` and `buffer_size` from `add_photon_series`. [PR 600](

* Adds `MockImagingInterface` as a general testing mechanism for ophys imaging interfaces [PR 604](


Not secure

* `DeepLabCutInterface` now allows using custom timestamps via `set_aligned_timestamps` method before running conversion. [PR 531](


* Reorganize timeintervals schema to reside in `schemas/` dir to ensure its inclusion in package build. [PR 573](


Not secure

* The `sonpy` package for the Spike2 interface no longer attempts installation on M1 Macs. [PR 563](
* Fixed `subset_sorting` to explicitly cast `end_frame` to int to avoid SpikeInterface frame slicing edge case. [PR 565](


Not secure

* Exposed `es_key` argument to users where it was previously omitted on `MaxOneRecordingInterface`, `OpenEphysLegacyRecordingInterface`, and `OpenEphysRecordingInterface`. [PR 542](
* Added deepcopy for metadata in `make_nwbfile_from_metadata`. [PR 545](
* Fixed edge case in `subset_sorting` where `end_frame` could exceed recording length. [PR 551](
* Alter `add_electrodes` behavior, no error is thrown if a property is present in the metadata but not in the recording extractors. This allows the combination of recording objects that have different properties. [PR 558](


* Added converters for Bruker TIF format to support multiple streams of imaging data.
Added `BrukerTiffSinglePlaneConverter` for single plane imaging data which initializes a `BrukerTiffSinglePlaneImagingInterface` for each data stream.
The available data streams can be checked by `BrukerTiffSinglePlaneImagingInterface.get_streams(folder_path)` method.
Added `BrukerTiffMultiPlaneConverter` for volumetric imaging data with `plane_separation_type` argument that defines
whether to load the imaging planes as a volume (`"contiguous"`) or separately (`"disjoint"`).
The available data streams for the defined `plane_separation_type` can be checked by `BrukerTiffMultiPlaneImagingInterface.get_streams(folder_path, plane_separation_type)` method.
* Added FicTrac data interface. [PR 517](

Documentation and tutorial enhancements

* Added FicTrac to the conversion gallery and docs API. [PR 560](


Not secure

* Propagated additional arguments, such as `cell_id`, from the `metadata["Icephys"]["Electrodes"]` dictionary used in `tools.neo.add_icephys_electrode`. [PR 538](
* Fixed mismatch between expected `Electrodes` key in `tools.neo.add_icephys_electrode` and the metadata automatically generated by the `AbfInterface`. [PR 538](

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