Back-compatability break
* All built-in DataInterfaces are now nested under the `neuroconv.datainterfaces` import structure - they are no longer available from the outer level. To import a data interface, use the syntax `from neuroconv.datainterfaces import <name of interface>`. [PR 74](
* The `AxonaRecordingExtractorInterface` has been renamed to `AxonaRecordingInterface`. [PR 74](
* The `AxonaUnitRecordingExtractorInterface` has been renamed to `AxonaUnitRecordingInterface`. [PR 74](
* The `BlackrockRecordingExtractorInterface` has been renamed to `BlackrockRecordingInterface`. [PR 74](
* The `BlackrockSortingExtractorInterface` has been renamed to `BlackrockSortingInterface`. [PR 74](
* The `OpenEphysRecordingExtractorInterface` has been renamed to `OpenEphysRecordingInterface`. [PR 74](
* The `OpenEphysSortingExtractorInterface` has been renamed to `OpenEphysSortingInterface`. [PR 74](
* The `KilosortSortingInterface` has been renamed to `KiloSortSortingInterface` to be more consistent with SpikeInterface. [PR 107](
* The `Neuroscope` interfaces have been renamed to `NeuroScope` to be more consistent with SpikeInterface. [PR 107](
* The `tools.roiextractors.add_epoch` functionality has been retired in the newest versions of ROIExtractors. [PR 112](
* Removed deprecation warnings for `save_path` argument (which is now `nwbfile_path` everywhere in the package). [PR 124](
* Changed default device name for the ecephys pipeline. Device_ecephys -> DeviceEcephys [PR 154](
* Change names of written electrical series on the ecephys pipeline. ElectricalSeries_raw -> ElectricalSeriesRaw, ElectricalSeries_processed -> ElectricalSeriesProcessed, ElectricalSeries_lfp -> ElectricalSeriesLFP [PR 153](
* Drop spikeextractor backend support for NeuralynxRecordingInterface [PR 174](
* Prevented the CEDRecordingInterface from writing non-ecephys channel data. [PR 37](
* Fixed description in `write_sorting` and in `add_units_table` to have "neuroconv" in the description. [PR 104](
* Updated `spikeinterface` version number to 0.95.1 to fix issue with `SpikeGLXInterface` probe annotations.
The issue is described [here]( [PR #132](
* Unified the `run_conversion` method of `BaseSegmentationExtractorInterface` with that of all the other base interfaces. The method `write_segmentation` now uses the common `make_or_load_nwbfile` context manager [PR 29](
* Coerced the recording extractors with `spikeextractors_backend=True` to BaseRecording objects for Axona, Blackrock, Openephys, and SpikeGadgets. [PR 38](
* Added function to add PlaneSegmentation objects to an nwbfile in `roiextractors` and corresponding unit tests. [PR 23](
* `use_times` argument to be deprecated on the ecephys pipeline. The function `add_electrical_series` now determines whether the timestamps of the spikeinterface recording extractor are uniform or not and automatically stores the data according to best practices [PR 40](
* Add `NWBFile` metadata key at the level of the base data interface so it can always be inherited to be available. [PR 51](
* Added spikeinterface support to Axona LFP and coerece gin tests for LFP to be spikeinterface objects [PR 85](
* Added function to add fluorescence traces to an nwbfile in `roiextractors` and corresponding unit tests.
The df over f traces are now added to a `DfOverF` container instead of the `Fluorescence` container.
The metadata schema has been changed for the `BaseSegmentationExtractorInterface` to allow metadata for `DfOverF`,
and `Flurorescence` is now not required in the metadata schema. [PR 41](
* Improved default values of OpticalChannel object names and other descriptions for Imaging data. [PR 88](
* Extended the `ImagingDataChunkIterator` to be compatible with volumetric data. [PR 90](
* Integrated the `ImagingDataChunkIterator` with the `write_imaging` methods. [PR 90](
* Began work towards making SpikeInterface, SpikeExtractors, and ROIExtractors all non-minimal dependencies. [PR 74](
* Implemented format-wise and modality-wise extra installation requirements. If there are any requirements to use a module or data interface, these are defined in individual requirements files at the corresponding level of the package. These are in turn easily accessible from the commands `pip install neuroconv[format_name]`. `pip install neuroconv[modality_name]` will also install all dependencies necessary to make full use of any interfaces from that modality. [PR 100](
* Added frame stubbing to the `BaseSegmentationExtractorInterface`. [PR 116](
* Added `mask_type: str` and `include_roi_centroids: bool` to the `add_plane_segmentation` helper and `write_segmentation` functions for the `tools.roiextractors` submodule. [PR 117](
* Propagate `output_struct_name` argument to `ExtractSegmentationInterface` to match its extractor arguments. [PR 128](
* Added compression and iteration (with options control) to all Fluorescence traces in `write_segmentation`. [PR 120](
* For irregular recordings, timestamps can now be saved along with all traces in `write_segmentation`. [PR 130](
* Added `mask_type` argument to `tools.roiextractors.add_plane_segmentation` function and all upstream calls. This allows users to request writing not just the image_masks (still the default) but also pixels, voxels or `None` of the above. [PR 119](
* `utils.json_schema.get_schema_from_method_signature` now allows `Optional[...]` annotation typing and subsequent `None` values during validation as long as it is still only applied to a simple non-conflicting type (no `Optional[Union[..., ...]]`). [PR 119](
Documentation and tutorial enhancements:
* Unified the documentation of NeuroConv structure in the User Guide readthedocs. [PR 39](
* Added package for viewing source code in the neuroconv documentation [PR 62](
* Added Contributing guide for the Developer section of readthedocs. [PR 73](
* Added style guide to the readthedocs [PR 28](
* Added ABF data conversion tutorial luiztauffer [PR 89](
* Added Icephys API documentation luiztauffer [PR 103](
* Added Blackrock sorting conversion gallery example [PR 134](
* Extended the User Guide Get metadata section in DataInterfaces with a demonstration for loading metadata from YAML. [PR 144](
* Fixed a redundancy in [PR 144]( and API links. [PR #154](
* Added SLEAP conversion gallery example [PR 161](
* Added conversion interface for Neuralynx sorting data together with gin data test and a conversion example in the gallery. [PR 58](
* Added conversion interface for DeepLabCut data together with gin data test and a conversion example in the gallery. [PR 24](
* Allow writing of offsets to ElectricalSeries objects from SpikeInterface (requires PyNWB>=2.1.0). [PR 37](
* Added conversion interface for EDF (European Data Format) data together with corresponding unit tests and a conversion example in the gallery. [PR 45](
* Created ImagingExtractorDataChunkIterator, a data chunk iterator for `ImagingExtractor` objects. [PR 54](
* Added support for writing spikeinterface recording extractor with multiple segments and corresponding unit test [PR 67](
* Added spikeinterface support to the Axona data interface [PR 61](
* Added new util function `get_package` for safely attempting to attempt a package import and informatively notifying the user of how to perform the installation otherwise. [PR 74](
* All built-in DataInterfaces now load their external dependencies on-demand at time of object initialization instead of on package or interface import. [PR 74](
* Adde spikeinterface support for Blackrock sorting interface[PR 134](
* Added conversion interface for TDT recording data together with gin data test. [PR 135](
* Added conversion interface for SLEAP pose estimation data together with gin test for data. [PR 160](
* Added unittests for correctly writing the scaling factors to the nwbfile in the `add_electrical_series` function of the spikeinterface module. [PR 37](
* Added unittest for compression options in the `add_electrical_series` function of the spikeinterface module. [PR 64](
* Added unittests for chunking in the `add_electrical_series` function of the spikeinterface module. [PR 84](
* Tests are now organized according to modality-wise lazy installations. [PR 100](