Back-compatibility break
* `ExtractorInterface` classes now access their extractor with the classmethod `cls.get_extractor()` instead of the attribute `self.Extractor`. [PR 324](
* The `spikeextractor_backend` option was removed for all `RecordingExtractorInterface` classes. ([PR 324](, [PR #309](]
* The `NeuroScopeMultiRecordingExtractor` has been removed. If your conversion required this, please submit an issue requesting instructions for how to implement it. [PR 309](
* The `SIPickle` interfaces have been removed. [PR 309](
* The previous conversion option `es_key` has been moved to the `__init__` of all `BaseRecordingExtractorInterface` classes. It is no longer possible to use this argument in the `run_conversion` method. [PR 318](
* Change `BaseDataInterface.get_conversion_options_schema` from `classmethod` to object method. [PR 353](
* Removed `utils.json_schema.get_schema_for_NWBFile` and moved base metadata schema to external json file. Added constraints to Subject metadata to match DANDI. [PR 376](
* Duplicate video file paths in the VideoInterface and AudioInterface are no longer silently resolved; please explicitly remove duplicates when initializing the interfaces. [PR 403](
* Duplicate audio file paths in the AudioInterface are no longer silently resolved; please explicitly remove duplicates when initializing the interfaces. [PR 402](
* The `OpenEphysRecordingInterface` is now a wrapper for `OpenEphysBinaryRecordingInterface`. [PR 294](
* Swapped the backend for `CellExplorerSortingInterface` from `spikeextactors` to `spikeinterface`. [PR 267](
* In the conversion YAML, `DataInterface` classes must now be specified as a dictionary instead of a list. [PR 311](
* In the conversion YAML, conversion_options can be specified on the global level. [PR 312](
* The `OpenEphysRecordingInterface` now redirects to legacy or binary interface depending on the file format.
It raises NotImplementedError until the interface for legacy format is added. [PR 296](
* Added the `OpenEphysLegacyRecordingInterface` to support Open Ephys legacy format (`.continuous` files). [PR 295](
* Added `PlexonSortingInterface` to support plexon spiking data. [PR 316](
* Changed `SpikeGLXRecordingInterface` to accept either the AP or LF bands as file paths. Each will automatically set the correseponding `es_key` and corresponding metadata for each band or probe. [PR 298](
* The `OpenEphysRecordingInterface` redirects to `OpenEphysLegacyRecordingInterface` for legacy format files instead of raising NotImplementedError. [PR 349](
* Added a `SpikeGLXConverter` for easy combination of multiple IMEC and NIDQ data streams. [PR 292](
* Added an `interfaces_by_category` lookup table to `neuroconv.datainterfaces` to make searching for interfaces by modality and format easier. [PR 352](
* `neuroconv.utils.jsonschema.get_schema_from_method_signature` can now support the `Dict[str, str]` typehint, which allows `DataInterface.__init__` and `.run_conversion` to handle dictionary arguments. [PR 360](
* Added `` module, which contains test suites for different types of
DataInterfaces [PR 357](
* Added `keywords` to `DataInterface` classes. [PR 375](
* Uses `open-cv-headless` instead of open-cv, making the package lighter [PR 387](
* Adds `MockRecordingInterface` as a general testing mechanism for ecephys interfaces [PR 395](
* `metadata` returned by `DataInterface.get_metadata()` is now a `DeepDict` object, making it easier to add and adjust metadata. [PR 404](
* The `OpenEphysLegacyRecordingInterface` is now extracts the `session_start_time` in `get_metadata()` from `Neo` (`OpenEphysRawIO`) and does not depend on `pyopenephys` anymore. [PR 410](
* Added `expand_paths`. [PR 377](
* Added basic temporal alignment methods to ecephys, ophys, and icephys DataInterfaces. These are `get_timestamps`, `align_starting_time`, `align_timestamps`, and `align_by_interpolation`. Added tests that serve as a first demonstration of the intended uses in a variety of cases. [PR 237]( [PR #283]( [PR #400](
* Added basic temporal alignment methods to the SLEAPInterface. Added holistic per-interface, per-method unit testing for ecephys and ophys interfaces. [PR 401](
* Added `expand_paths`. [PR 377](, [PR #448](
* Added `.get_electrode_table_json()` to the `BaseRecordingExtractorInterface` as a convenience helper for the GUIDE project. [PR 431](
* Added `BrukerTiffImagingInterface` to support Bruker TIF imaging data. This format consists of individual TIFFs (each file contains a single frame) in OME-TIF format (.ome.tif files) and metadata in XML format (.xml file). [PR 390](
* Added `MicroManagerTiffImagingInterface` to support Micro-Manager TIF imaging data. This format consists of multipage TIFFs in OME-TIF format (.ome.tif files) and configuration settings in JSON format ('DisplaySettings.json' file). [PR 423](
* Added a `TemporallyAlignedDataInterface` definition for convenience when creating a custom interface for pre-aligned data. [PR 434](
* Added `write_as`, `units_name`, `units_description` to `BaseSortingExtractorInterface` `run_conversion` method to be able to modify them in conversion options. [PR 438](
* Added basic temporal alignment methods to the VideoInterface. These are `align_starting_time` is split into `align_starting_times` (list of times, one per video file) and `align_global_starting_time` (shift all by a scalar amount). `align_by_interpolation` is not yet implemented for this interface. [PR 283](
* Added stream control for the `OpenEphysBinaryRecordingInterface`. [PR 445](
* Added the `BaseTemporalAlignmentInterface` to serve as the new base class for all new temporal alignment methods. [PR 442](
* Added direct imports for all base classes from the outer level; you may now call `from neuroconv import BaseDataInterface, BaseTemporalAlignmentInterface, BaseExtractorInterface`. [PR 442](
* Added basic temporal alignment methods to the AudioInterface. `align_starting_time` is split into `align_starting_times` (list of times, one per audio file) and `align_global_starting_time` (shift all by a scalar amount). `align_by_interpolation` and other timestamp-based approaches is not yet implemented for this interface. [PR 402](
* Changed the order of recording properties extraction in `NeuroscopeRecordingInterface` and `NeuroScopeLFPInterface` to make them consistent with each other [PR 466](
* The `ScanImageImagingInterface` has been updated to read metadata from more recent versions of ScanImage [PR 457](
* Refactored `add_two_photon_series()` to `add_photon_series()` and added `photon_series_type` optional argument which can be either `"OnePhotonSeries"` or `"TwoPhotonSeries"`.
Changed `get_default_ophys_metadata()` to add `Device` and `ImagingPlane` metadata which are both used by imaging and segmentation.
Added `photon_series_type` to `get_nwb_imaging_metadata()` to fill metadata for `OnePhotonSeries` or `TwoPhotonSeries`. [PR 462](
* Split `align_timestamps` and `align_starting_times` into `align_segment_timestamps` and `align_segment_starting_times` for API consistency for multi-segment `RecordingInterface`s. [PR 463](
* Rename `align_timestamps` and `align_segmentt_timestamps` into `set_aligned_timestamps` and `set_aligned_segment_timestamps` to more clearly indicate their usage and behavior. [PR 470](
* The tests for `automatic_dandi_upload` now follow up-to-date DANDI validation rules for file name conventions. [PR 310](
* Deactivate `MaxOneRecordingInterface` metadata tests [PR 371]((
* Integrated the DataInterface testing mixin to the SLEAP Interface. [PR 401](
* Added holistic per-interface, per-method unit testing for ecephys and ophys interfaces. [PR 283](
* Live service tests now run in a separate non-required GitHub action. [PR 420]((
* Integrated the `DataInterfaceMixin` class of tests to the `VideoInterface`. [PR 403](
* Add `generate_path_expander_demo_ibl` and associated test for `LocalPathExpander` [PR 456](
* Improved testing of all interface alignment methods via the new `TemporalAlignmentMixin` class. [PR 459](
* `BlackrockRecordingInterface` now writes all ElectricalSeries to "acquisition" unless changed using the `write_as` flag in `run_conversion`. [PR 315](
* Excluding Python versions 3.8 and 3.9 for the `EdfRecordingInterface` on M1 macs due to installation problems. [PR 319](
* Extend type array condition in `get_schema_from_hdmf_class` for dataset types (excludes that are DataIO). [PR 418](
* The `base_directory` argument to all `PathExpander` classes can now accept string inputs as well as `Path` inputs. [PR 427](
* Fixed the temporal alignment methods for the `RecordingInterfaces` which has multiple segments. [PR 411](
* Fixes to the temporal alignment methods for the `SortingInterface`, both single and multi-segment and recordingless. [PR 413](
* Fixes to the temporal alignment methods for the certain formats of the `RecordingInterface`. [PR 459](
* Fixes the naming of LFP interfaces to be `ElectricalSeriesLFP` instead of `ElectricalSeriesLF`. [PR 467](
* Fixed an issue with incorrect modality-specific extra requirements being associated with certain behavioral formats. [PR 469](
Documentation and tutorial enhancements
* The instructions to build the documentation were moved to ReadTheDocs. [PR 323](
* Move testing instructions to ReadTheDocs. [PR 320](
* Moved NeuroConv catalogue from to ReadTheDocs.
[PR 322](
* Moved instructions to build the documentation from to ReadTheDocs. [PR 323](
* Add `Spike2RecordingInterface` to conversion gallery. [PR 338](
* Remove authors from module docstrings [PR 354](
* Add examples for `LocalPathExpander` usage [PR 456](
* Add better docstrings to the aux functions of the Neuroscope interface [PR 485](
Pending deprecation
* Change name from `CedRecordingInterface` to `Spike2RecordingInterface`. [PR 338](
* Use `Literal` in typehints (incompatible with Python<=3.8). [PR 340](
* `BaseDataInterface.get_source_schema` modified so it works for `.__init__` and `.__new__`. [PR 374](