**26 February 2025**
* Remove Map.hoc, compat.Map, and compat.PyMap (26)
* Improve unit tests and code coverage (71, 89, 76, 69, 74, 66)
* Improve testing workflows (73, 70, 51, 34, 29, 12, 7, 17)
* Add a SONATA ring circuit for unit tests(79, 49)
* Lint and format checks(88, 84, 81, 63, 43, 48, 38, 16, 15)
* Improve docs (19, 22)
* Various changes regarding the new OBI repo (31, 10)
* Improvements on the Dockerfile (20, 1)
* NEURON's NMODL language should now be properly recognized by GitHub. (232)