**1 Nov 2023**
*New Features*
* [BBPBGLIB-1069] Dry-run node allocation suggestions (64)
* [BBPBGLIB-1067] Implement 'node_sets_file' resolution order (55)
*Bug Fixes*
* [BBPBGLIB-1076] Fix NGV offsetting with Sonata circuits (69)
* [BBPBGLIB-1055] Support "<NONE>" as nrnPath (65)
* [BBPBGLIB-1044] Use libsonata to read the spikes (70)
* [HPCTM-1824] Introducing a temporary set for faster lookup in the src_target gids (63)
* [BBPBGLIB-556] Dry-run improvements, fixes with projections (56, 60)
* [REP-68] Add report dt to the logging (59)
* Remove ranks-cpus warning as can be inaccurate (66)