**NOTE**: NNI v2.6 is the last version that supports Python 3.6. From next release NNI will require Python 3.7+.
Hyper-Parameter Optimization
* The legacy experiment config format is now deprecated. [(doc of new config)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/reference/experiment_config.html)
* If you are still using legacy format, nnictl will show equivalent new config on start. Please save it to replace the old one.
* nnictl now uses [`nni.experiment.Experiment`](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/stable/Tutorial/HowToLaunchFromPython.html) APIs as backend. The output message of create, resume, and view commands have changed.
* Added Kubeflow and Frameworkcontroller support to hybrid mode. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/TrainingService/HybridMode.html)
* The hidden tuner manifest file has been updated. This should be transparent to users, but if you encounter issues like failed to find tuner, please try to remove `~/.config/nni`.
* Random tuner now supports classArgs `seed`. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Tuner/RandomTuner.html)
* TPE tuner is refactored: [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Tuner/TpeTuner.html)
* Support classArgs `seed`.
* Support classArgs `tpe_args` for expert users to customize algorithm behavior.
* Parallel optimization has been turned on by default. To turn it off set `tpe_args.constant_liar_type` to `null` (or `None` in Python).
* `parallel_optimize` and `constant_liar_type` has been removed. If you are using them please update your config to use `tpe_args.constant_liar_type` instead.
* Grid search tuner now supports all search space types, including uniform, normal, and nested choice. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Tuner/GridsearchTuner.html)
Neural Architecture Search
* Enhancement to serialization utilities [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/NAS/Serialization.html) and changes to recommended practice of customizing evaluators. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/NAS/QuickStart.html#pick-or-customize-a-model-evaluator)
* Support latency constraint on edge device for ProxylessNAS based on nn-Meter. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/NAS/Proxylessnas.html)
* Trial parameters are showed more friendly in Retiarii experiments.
* Refactor NAS examples of ProxylessNAS and SPOS.
Model Compression
* New Pruner Supported in Pruning V2
* Auto-Compress Pruner [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Compression/v2_pruning_algo.html#auto-compress-pruner)
* AMC Pruner [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Compression/v2_pruning_algo.html#amc-pruner)
* Movement Pruning Pruner [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Compression/v2_pruning_algo.html#movement-pruner)
* Support `nni.trace` wrapped `Optimizer` in Pruning V2. In the case of not affecting the user experience as much as possible, trace the input parameters of the optimizer. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Compression/v2_pruning_algo.html)
* Optimize Taylor Pruner, APoZ Activation Pruner, Mean Activation Pruner in V2 memory usage.
* Add more examples for Pruning V2.
* Add document for pruning config list. [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Compression/v2_pruning_config_list.html)
* Parameter `masks_file` of `ModelSpeedup` now accepts `pathlib.Path` object. (Thanks to dosemeion) [(doc)](https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6/Compression/ModelSpeedup.html#user-configuration-for-modelspeedup)
* Bug Fix
* Fix Slim Pruner in V2 not sparsify the BN weight.
* Fix Simulator Annealing Task Generator generates config ignoring 0 sparsity.
* Supported GitHub feature "Cite this repository".
* Updated index page of readthedocs.
* Updated Chinese documentation.
* From now on NNI only maintains translation for most import docs and ensures they are up to date.
* Reorganized HPO tuners' doc.
* Fixed a bug where numpy array is used as a truth value. (Thanks to khituras)
* Fixed a bug in updating search space.
* Fixed a bug that HPO search space file does not support scientific notation and tab indent.
* For now NNI does not support mixing scientific notation and YAML features. We are waiting for PyYAML to update.
* Fixed a bug that causes DARTS 2nd order to crash.
* Fixed a bug that causes deep copy of mutation primitives (e.g., LayerChoice) to crash.
* Removed blank at bottom in Web UI overview page.