
Latest version: v3.5.2

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- Bug fix of `gcaccum`


- Fix bug in `kaccum`. When using with `--pa` option, irreducible q-points were
incorrectly indexed.
- `gaccum` is implemented. `gaccum` is very similar to `kaccum`, but for
- spglib update.


- The definition of MSPP is modified so as to be averaged ph-ph interaction
defined as $P_{\mathbf{q}j}$ in the arXiv manuscript. The key in the kappa
hdf5 file is changed from `mspp` to `ave_pp`. The physical unit of
$P_{\mathbf{q}j}$ is set to $\text{eV}^2$.


- Silicon example is put in `example-phono3py` directory.
- Accumulated lattice thermal conductivity is calculated by `kaccum` script.
- JDOS output format was changed.


- In `kappa-xxx.hdf5` file, `heat_capacity` format was changed from
`(irreducible q-point, temperature, phonon band)` to
`(temperature, irreducible q-point, phonon band)`. For `gamma`, previous
document was wrong in the array shape. It is
`(temperature, irreducible q-point, phonon band)`


- The option of `--cutoff_mfp` is renamed to `--boundary_mfp` and now it's on
the document.
- Detailed contribution of `kappa` at each **q**-point and phonon mode is output
to .hdf5 with the keyword `mode_kappa`.

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