This is a major version release. There are backward-incompatible changes.
- Calculation method to transform supercell third-order force constants fc3 in
real to reciprocal space was changed as described at {ref}`changelog_v290`.
This results in the change of results with respect to those obtained by
phono3py version 2. To emulate v2 behaviour, use `--v2` option in phono3py
command line script. For `Phono3py` class , `make_r0_average=True` (default)
when instantiating it, and similarly for `phono3py.load` function.
- Completely dropped support of `disp_fc3.yaml` and `disp_fc2.yaml`.
- Dropped support of old style usage of `phono3py-kaccum` script.
- Removed functions `write_fc3_dat`, `write_triplets`, `write_grid_address` in
- Removed methods marked by `DeprecationWarning`.
- Removed `masses`, `band_indices`, `sigmas`, `sigma_cutoff` parameters from