- Cut-off distance for fc3 is implemented. This is activated by `--cutfc3`
option. FC3 elements where any atomic pair has larger distance than cut-off
distance are set zero.
- `--cutpair` works only when creating displacements. The cut-off pair distance
is written into `disp_fc3.yaml` and FC3 is created from `FORCES_THIRD` with
this information. Usually sets of pair displacements are more redundant than
that needed for creating fc3 if index permutation symmetry is considered.
Therefore using index permutation symmetry, some elements of fc3 can be
recovered even if some of supercell force calculations are missing. In
paticular, all pair distances among triplet atoms are larger than cutoff pair
distance, any fc3 elements are not recovered, i.e., the element will be zero.