- ⬆️ Bump xqute to 0.2 so we can have slurm and ssh schedulers available - ✨ Add ssh and slurm scheduers - 🎨 Improve code for dropping python 3.7 - 👷 Use 3.10 as main python version in CI - 📝 Update docs for slurm and ssh schedulers
- ⬆️ Drop support for python3.7 - 🎨 Don't slugify pipen or proc names anymore but require them to be valid filenames - 🐛 Fix process names being reused - 📝 Update documentation with new job caching callback. - 🎨 Move actions to on_job_cached hook for cached jobs
- ✨ Add `--list` for `pipen profile` to list the names of available profiles - ✨ Add exception hook to show uncaught in log - ✨ Add `on_job_cached` hook
- ✨ Add `utils.mark` and `get_marked` to mark a process Unlike plugin_opts, template_opts or envs, these marks are not inherited in subclasses
- ⬆️ Upgrade simplug to 0.2.3 - 📝 Add pipen-cli-config to plugin gallery