- 🐛 Fix `nexts` being inherited for `Proc` subclasses
- ✨ Print pipen version in CLI: pipen plugins - 🩹 Make use of full terminal width for non-panel elements in log - 🩹 Extend width to 256 when terminal width cannot be detected while logging (most likely logging to a text file)
- ♿️ Change default log width to 100 - 🩹 Fix broken panel in log content with console width cannot be detected
- ⬆️ Upgrade rtoml to v0.8 - ⬆️ Upgrade pipda to v0.6
- 🩹 Hide config meta data in pipeline information
- ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies - 📌 Use `rtoml` instead of `toml` (see https://github.com/pwwang/toml-bench) - 🩹 Dump job signature to file directly instead of dump to a string first - 👷 Add python 3.10 to CI - 📝 Add dependencies badge to README.md