- 🐛 Fix no toc generated when no H1 in report but report_toc is True - 🐛 Fix report without H1 not getting preprocessed
- 🔊 Warn when there are > sections in report but paging is disabled - 🚑 Fix when there is no H1's in the report - 🩹 De-highlight the H1's in TOC when there are H2's in there - 📝 Update example report - 📝 Add post install/update necessities in README.md
- ♻️ Front: Use the builtin pagination table from ccs (carbon-design-system/carbon-components-svelte702) - ✨ Implement backend report paging - 💥 Change config item `report_logging` to `report_loglevel` - ✨ Implement frontend for report paging
- 🩹 Use brackets to indicate cached jobs - 🩹 Run on_complete hook only when no exception happened - 🩹 Let `on_proc_init` to modify process `workdir` - 🐛 Fix when `nexts` affected by parent `nexts` assignment when parent in `__bases__`