* ``Profile`` and its subclasses, ``TauVector``, ``Asymptotic`` and its constructors (such as
``Asymptotic.poisson_value``, ``Asymptotic.poisson_eq``, etc.) accept an optional argument ``symbolic``. If False
(default), then all computations are numeric as before. If True, then almost all computations are symbolic; the
only exception is when the trio event can be evaluated only via the Dual Magnitude Theorem. Please note that:
* This feature relies on the external package `sympy` and works with its current version (1.5.1) but we cannot
guarantee that it will still work with future versions of `sympy`.
* When activated, it slows downs the computation considerably. In particular, it is strongly advised not to use
fictitious play or iterated voting in symbolic mode.
* Equality and closeness tests:
* ``Asymptotic.isclose`` is renamed to ``look_equal``: in numeric mode, it is still a closeness test, but in
symbolic mode, it is an equality test.
* Remove ``StrategyThreshold.isclose``: this method was not used anymore.
* ``Event`` and its subclasses take a ``TauVector`` as input, instead of the dictionary of its coefficients. Firstly, it
speeds up computation. Secondly, it avoids a minor bug in symbolic mode.
* Utilities:
* Add the classes ``ComputationEngine``, ``ComputationEngineNumeric`` and ``ComputationEngineSymbolic``, defining
how some mathematical operations are performed.
* Add the function ``computation_engine``: choose the computation engine.
* Remove the utility function ``barycenter`` and include it as a method in ``ComputationEngine``.