* Implement weak orders:
* ``Profile`` now has attributes ``d_weak_order_share``, ``support_in_weak_orders``, ``contains_weak_orders``,
``contains_rankings``, ``d_ballot_weak_voters_sincere``, ``d_ballot_weak_voters_fanatic``.
* Subclasses of Profile have a parameter ``d_weak_order_share``.
* Remove methods ``ProfileOrdinal.support`` and ``ProfileOrdinal.is_generic``: with the presence of weak orders,
their names had become misleading, whereas ``support_in_rankings`` and ``is_generic_in_ranking`` is non-ambiguous.
* ``TernaryAxesSubplotPoisson.annotate_condorcet`` now also works with weak orders. However, it may not work on
all distributions because it relies on the external package `shapely`. If there are only rankings, it should still
work anyway.
* Add utilities ``is_weak_order``, ``is_lover``, ``is_hater``, ``sort_weak_order``.
* Add shortcut functions for some common ternary plots:
* ``ternary_plot_n_bloc_equilibria``: number of bloc equilibria.
* ``ternary_plot_winners_at_equilibrium``: winners at equilibrium.
* ``ternary_plot_winning_frequencies``: winning frequencies in fictitious play.
* Methods ``ProfileCardinal.iterated_voting`` and ``ProfileCardinal.fictitious_play`` have a new parameter
``winning_frequency_update_ratio``, indicating how the winning frequencies are computed in case of non-convergence.
Note however that in case of convergence to a periodical orbit (for iterated voting), it remains the arithmetic
average anyway.
* Add utility ``my_division``: division of two numbers, trying to be exact if it is reasonable.