* In iterated voting, implement the possibility to move only *progressively* towards the best response:
* Add ``ProfileCardinal.iterated_voting_taus``: at each iteration, a given ratio of voters update their ballot.
* Replace the former method ``ProfileCardinal.iterated_voting`` by ``ProfileCardinal.iterated_voting_strategies``:
as in former versions, at each iteration, the threshold utility of each ranking's strategy is moved in the
direction of the best response's threshold utility. The method now returns a cycle of tau-vectors and the
corresponding cycle of best response strategies, in order to be consistent with
* Add the utility ``barycenter``: compute a barycenter while respecting the type of one input if the other input has
weight 0.
* Accelerate the algorithm used in iterated voting.
* In ``ProfileCardinal``, add the possibility of partial sincere voting:
* Add parameter ``ratio_sincere``: ratio of sincere voters.
* Add property ``tau_sincere``: the tau-vector if all voters vote sincerely.
* The former method ``tau`` is renamed ``tau_strategic``: the tau_vector if all voters vote strategically.
* The new method ``tau`` takes both sincere and strategic voting into account.
* The method ``is_equilibrium`` has a new implementation to take this feature into account.
* Add ``TauVector.isclose``: whether the tau-vector is close to another tau-vector (in the sense of
``math.isclose``). This method is used by the new version of ``ProfileCardinal.is_equilibrium``.
* Add ``Profile.best_responses_to_strategy``: convert a dictionary of best responses to a ``StrategyThreshold`` that
mentions only the rankings that are present in the profile.
* In random generators of profiles (``GeneratorProfileOrdinalUniform``, ``GeneratorProfileOrdinalGridUniform``,
``GeneratorProfileOrdinalVariations``, ``GeneratorProfileHistogramUniform``): instead of having explicit arguments
like ``well_informed_voters`` or ``ratio_sincere``, there are ``**kwargs`` that are directly passed to the
``__init__`` of the relevant Profile subclass.
* Update the tutorials with these new features.