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Today, we are issuing the `2.21.1` patch release.


Prisma Studio
- [Unable to find query engine 659](


Subscribe to [this issue]( for updates on how to prepare your code.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Migrate

- [Unclear Introspection error message: Error parsing attribute "id": Fields that are marked as id must be required.](
- [[Introspection] Defaults set as expressions (as required in MySQL on some column types) not picked up](
- [Introspection: More information in `Schema is inconsistent` error message](
- [prisma introspect overrides generator fields](
- [Tests: add tests for `prisma format` cli command](
- [prisma migrate gives: Error querying the database: db error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT"](
- [Introspection does not recognize Default Expressions](
- [Failing describer on MySQL with empty view definition](
- [Introspection failed: Getting definition from Resultrow ResultRow { columns: [\"name\", \"definition\"], values: [Text(Some(\"sp_helpdiagrams\")), Text(None)] } as String failed](
- [`prisma migrate` set field as unique automatically](

Prisma Client

- [Add a `push` method to scalar list update input in addition to set](
- [$transaction doesn't roll back in NestJS when we pass method from external service](
- [when case-insensitive mode enabled in where clause, unnecessarily LOWER() function and ILIKE operator is used at the same time](
- [Invalid response data: the query result was required, but an empty Object((Weak)) was returned instead.](
- [regression: Running multiple findUnique's in parallel causes both to return null](
- [PANIC in query-engine/core/src/interpreter/query_interpreters/ `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: FieldNotFound { name: "origin", model: "Field not found in record Record { values: [Int(1011), String(\"\")], parent_id: None }. Field names are: [\"id\", \"link\"], looking for: \"origin\"" }](
- [Internal: Setup Renovate for](
- [Rename `SKIP_GENERATE` from Client postinstall script to `PRISMA_SKIP_POSTINSTALL_GENERATE`](

Language tools (e.g. VS Code)

- [Autocomplete all array items in a compound index](

Security Fixes

We fixed two security issues:

* [Command injection vulnerability in prisma/sdk in getPackedPackage function](
This is a low-severity issue and no users have been affected
* [Visual Studio Code Prisma Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability](
This is a high-severity issue and we recommend all Prisma VS Code extension users verify that they have automatically been upgraded to the latest version. There is no evidence that this vulnerability has been exploited.

Big thanks to [erik-krogh (Erik Krogh Kristensen)]( and [Ry0taK]( for reporting these issues.


Huge thanks to endor, iBluemind, matthewmueller, paularah, Iamshankhadeep for helping!

📺 Join us for another "What's new in Prisma" livestream

Learn about the latest release and other news from the Prisma community by joining us for another ["What's new in Prisma"]( livestream.

The stream takes place [on Youtube]( on **Thursday, April 01** at **5pm Berlin | 8am San Francisco**.


Today, we are issuing the `2.20.1` patch release.


- [Prisma CLI: `npm install -g prisma` fails with `You seem to have a global installation of Prisma 1 package prisma`6331 ](


Today, we are excited to share the `2.20.0` stable release 🎉

🌟 **Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or [tweeting]( about the release.** 🌟 

Major improvements & new features

Count on relations (Preview)

This [highly requested feature]( is now in [Preview]( You can now count the number of related records by passing `_count` to the `select` or `include` options and then specifying which relation counts should be included in the resulting objects via another `select`.

For example, counting the number of posts that an user has written:

const users = await prisma.user.findMany({
include: {
_count: {
select: { posts: true },

The structure of the returned `User` objects is as follows:

id: 1,
email: '',
name: 'Alice',
_count: { posts: 2 }

You can enable this featrues with the `selectRelationCount` feature flag:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["selectRelationCount"]

There may be some rough edges during the Preview period. If you run into any problems, you can reach us in [this issue](

`Node-API` is now in Preview

[Node-API]( is a new technique for binding Prisma's Rust-based [query engine]( directly to Prisma Client. This reduces the communication overhead between the Node.js and Rust layers when resolving Prisma Client's database queries.

You can enable this feature with the `napi` feature flag:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["napi"]

Enabling the Node-API will not affect your workflows in any way, the experience of using Prisma will remain exactly the same.

The Node-API has different runtime characteristics than the current communication layer between Node.js and Rust.

There may be some rough edges during the Preview period. If you run into any problems, you can reach us in [this issue](

New `push` operation available for arrays on PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL supports [array]( data structures (sometimes also called [scalar lists]( As an example, consider the `permissions` field on the following `User` model:

model User {
id Int id default(autoincrement())
permissions String[]

As of this release, you can append a new item to existing lists atomically with the `push` command:

await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: 42 },
data: {
permission: {
push: "chat:read",

Learn more in [this issue](

`groupBy` and `createMany` are now Generally Available

For the pioneers among you, you can now remove the `groupBy` and `createMany` from your Preview features:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
- previewFeatures = ["groupBy", "createMany"]

Learn more in our documentation about [`groupBy`]( and [`createMany`](

Prisma Client Go now supports `BigInt`, `Decimal` and `Bytes`

Prisma Client Go continues to get more powerful every release. With this release, we've added support for more native database types: `BigInt`, `Decimal` and `Bytes`:

var views db.BigInt = 1
bytes := []byte("abc")
dec := decimal.NewFromFloat(1.23456789)
created, err := client.User.CreateOne(

Breaking changes

The `prisma/cli` package has reached its end of life

For all you holdovers, you've seen warnings like this for a couple months now:

warn prisma/cli has been renamed to prisma.
Please uninstall prisma/cli: npm remove prisma/cli
And install prisma: npm i prisma

It's now time to upgrade. Follow the instructions and switch over to the new `prisma` package today:


npm remove prisma/cli
npm install -D prisma

Thanks to this change, running `npx prisma` will now always invoke the right Prisma CLI, no matter what your local setup looks like.


yarn remove prisma/cli
yarn add -D prisma

Upcoming breaking changes in the next version (2.21.0)


npx prisma migrate <COMMAND> --preview-feature

for example:
npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature


npx prisma migrate <COMMAND>

for example:
npx prisma migrate dev

Besides making Prisma Migrate ready for production in this release, it comes with a number of smaller fixes and improvements:

- After `migrate dev`, `migrate reset` and `db push`, generation is always triggered to avoid issues where the Prisma Client API is outdated due to changes in relation names which have an impact on the database schema ([GitHub issue](
- Improve UX when `migrate dev` produces warnings ([GitHub issue](
- Better error when adding a new required field and the default value is Prisma-level, e.g. `uuid()`
- Small improvement where Prisma Migrate failed to create the database on DigitalOcean
- Bugfix: Fix a bug when there are foreign keys referencing missing tables that resulted in a crash
- Bugfix: Improvement when changing a field from type String to Enum (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
- Bugfix: Improvement when migrating enums and a default enum value is defined (PostgreSQL)

📚 **Documentation**:

* [Prisma Migrate](
* [Developing with Prisma Migrate](

Order by aggregates of relations in Prisma Client queries (Preview)

This release makes it possible to order by the aggregates (e.g. count) of relations in your Prisma Client queries. Here's is an example that orders a list of users by the number of the posts they created:

const orderedUsers = await prisma.user.findMany({
orderBy: {
posts: {
count: 'asc'

This feature is released in [Preview]( which means you have to explicitly enable it via the `orderByRelation` feature flag in your Prisma schema:

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["orderByRelation"]

Don't forget to run `npx prisma generate` after you've added the feature flag to your Prisma schema so that the Prisma Client API gets updated accordingly.

Prisma Client Go now returns results from the `Transaction` API

Previously in the Go Client, you could write data within a transaction, but you couldn't get the results back from the transaction. Now you can! Learn more in [the documentation](

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client

- [Order by relation aggregate (like count)](
- [when quering, passing string to DateTime field results runtime error](
- [Log streaming interface for n-api](
- [Add TypeScript version check](
- [Do not know how to serialize a BigInt in executeRaw](
- [TypeError when using `npx prisma generate` with custom engine binaries](
- [Default `pool_timeout` value hides connect timeouts](

Prisma Migrate

- [Error: [introspection-engine/connectors/sql-introspection-connector/src/] called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value ](
- [Environment is “non-interactive” when using `prisma migrate dev`](
- [Unclear error message when using prisma-level default functions (cuid, uuid) as default for non-nullable fields](
- [Change enum values when there is a default enum value fails migration](
- [Error: Error in migration engine. Reason: [libs/sql-schema-describer/src/] foreign key references unknown table: "Game" ](
- [Prisma `migrate dev` prompts for migration name when running after --create-only](
- [Error: Error in migration engine. Reason: [migration-engine/connectors/sql-migration-connector/src/sql_renderer/] not implemented: text ](
- [Unformatted error message from `introspect` when env var contains wrong connection string protocol](
- [SQL Server: recursive error message "Error querying the database"](
- [Prisma migrate - always reporting Data loss / migration file changed even with simple field addition](
- [Detect usage of supported types in Unsupported("..")](
- [Feedback on migrate command names](
- [Migration fails creating new database on Managed DO Postgres](
- ["Database error: Error querying the database: db error: ERROR: type "citext" does not exist" but citext extension enabled](
- [ME crash: foreign key references unknown table](
- [Migrate does not recognize changes made to a field of type String to ENUM](
- [Postgres Introspection occasionally removes "Unique" Constraint](
- [Docs: Migrate advisory locking mechanism](
- [Write test repro for "We assume an internally valid datamodel before mutating." from example schema](
- [Can't convert `String` field to `Enum` in a migration - Postgres](
- [Review CLI help outputs / flags](
- [Error: Error in migration engine. Reason: [libs\datamodel\core\src\transform\attributes\] called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: TypeMismatchError { expected_type: "constant literal", received_type: "string", raw: "tenantId", span: Span { start: 6221, end: 6231 } } ](
- [error report id: 13104](
- [Ensure we run generate after `db push` and `migrate dev` even if the changes result in no database schema changes](
- [Improve readability of data loss warnings when running `migrate dev`](

Language tools (e.g. VS Code)

- [Note in README about conflicting prettier and prisma formatter](

Prisma Studio

- [Feature: Filter enum fields in studio](


Huge thanks to endor, iBluemind, meeq for their help in this release! ✨

💼 Learn about Enterprise use cases of Prisma on March 25th

We hope you join us for the upcoming [Prisma Enterprise Event]( on **Thursday, March 25th** which is centered around the following topics:

- Learn how top companies are addressing the **challenges of data at scale**
- Discover how companies use Prisma to make their **developers more productive**
- Get a better understanding of the **future of data in the enterprise**

📺 Join us for another "What's new in Prisma" livestream

Learn about the latest release and other news from the Prisma community by joining us for another ["What's new in Prisma"]( livestream.

The stream takes place [on Youtube]( on **Thursday, March 18** at **5pm Berlin | 8am San Francisco**.


Today, we are excited to share the `2.18.0` stable release 🎉

🌟 **Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or [tweeting]( about the release.** 🌟 

Major changes & improvements

`prisma introspect` is becoming `prisma db pull`

In [`2.10.0`]( we introduced the `prisma db push` command that enables developers to update their database schema from a Prisma schema file without using migrations.

For the "opposite" motion (i.e., updating the Prisma schema from an existing database schema), we currently have the `prisma introspect` command. In this release, `prisma introspect` is being renamed to `prisma db pull`. However, the `prisma introspect` command will be kept around for a few more releases so that you have enough time to switch over to the new command.

Here is how we are planning to execute the renaming:

1. In this release, we are introducing a new command `prisma db pull`, which behaves exactly the same as `prisma introspect`.
2. We will at some point in the near future add a deprecation warning to the `prisma introspect` CLI command.
3. Eventually, `prisma introspect` will be removed.

There is no specific timeline to execute on this deprecation and we want to make sure we give developers a generous period of time to switch over.

Relation syntax will not be updated automatically any more

Prisma has a set of rules for defining [relations]( between models in the Prisma schema.

The `prisma format` command automatically helps to apply these rules by inserting missing pieces. As an example, consider this data model with an _invalid_ relation:

model User {
id String id
name String?
posts Post[]

model Post {
id String id
authorId String?
author User? // not valid because the `relation` attribute is missing

This example is not valid because the [`relation`]( attribute is missing. Running `npx prisma format`, automatically inserts the missing attribute:

model User {
id String id
name String?
posts Post[]

model Post {
id String id
authorId String?
+ author User? relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])

In previous releases, this expansion logic was applied _automatically_ in several scenarios without running the formatter (by running `npx prisma format` explicitly, or formatting via VS code), e.g. when running `prisma migrate`. While helpful in some scenarios, these "magic" insertions often resulted in others errors that were harder to interpret and to debug for developers and ourselves.

In this release, the "magical" instertions are removed and developers need to explicitly run `npx prisma format` if they want still make use of them.

More flexible seeding in TypeScript

The `ts-node` command options can now be customized via `package.json` to pass specific options to `ts-node`. This makes `prisma db seed` work with tools that have specific requirements when used with TypeScript, such as Next.js.

Here is an example that works with Next.js:

"name": "my-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"ts-node": "ts-node --compiler-options '{\"module\":\"CommonJS\"}'"
"devDependencies": {
"types/node": "^14.14.21",
"ts-node": "^9.1.1",
"typescript": "^4.1.3"

New Upsert API for Prisma Client Go

Prisma Client Go now supports upsert operations:

post, _ := client.Post.UpsertOne(
// query
// set these fields if document doesn't exist already
// update these fields if document already exists

Learn more in the [documentation]( and share your feedback in the [`#prisma-client-go`]( channel on Slack.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client

- [Error connecting to GCP cloud sql using ssl connection](
- [Error opening a TLS connection: unknown Cert Authority](
- [Filter based on number / count of relations](
- [Issue with not closing DB connections](
- [Errors at nested writes](
- [Add update of non-existent node to known errors](
- [Handle illegal parameters in raw SQL queries gracefully](
- [Upsert not creating all entries](
- [uncheckedScalarInputs: XOR not working?](
- [Query produces `WHERE` clause with 1=0 as condition](
- [User ID type instead of int to enable database transparency](
- [Internal: Send Slack message for each CLI release](
- [Improve on autogenerated bug report urls](
- [$transaction should fallback to union if it can't give unwrap a proper output](
- [Some exported types no longer available in Prisma namespace in 2.17](

Prisma Migrate

- [Error: [libs/datamodel/connectors/dml/src/] Every RelationInfo should have a complementary RelationInfo on the opposite relation field. ](
- [Empty index name: `ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"`](
- [Prisma Migrate: Better UX when referencing migrations in resolve command](
- [Introspection crash when relation name is only used on one side. ](
- [Annotated relation field doesn't appear to be required for 1-n relations](
- [No validation error on 1:m ambiguous relation](
- [Improve handling of unexecutable migrations in Prisma Migrate](
- [Error: [libs/datamodel/connectors/dml/src/] Every RelationInfo should have a complementary RelationInfo on the opposite relation field. ](
- [Error using totvs database: `Couldn\'t parse default value`](
- [Prisma format and issues with implicit relations](
- [Migration Script Created With Foreign Key Fields in Wrong Order](
- [Prisma seed incompatible with Nextjs et al. projects](
- [Prisma Migrate - Drift detected error on each migrate run even when nothing changes in DB/Schema](
- [When configuring `ShadowDatabaseUrl` to use Prisma Migrate in the cloud, a valid URL is always enforced across every environment, even though it's only needed in development.](
- [Add `prisma db pull` command for introspection](
- [ENUM in prisma migration](

Prisma Studio

- [Hiding a field, refreshing, then showing the field again is problematic](
- [Add ability to unlink optional relation](
- [Should be able to scroll filter column selection](
- [Unable to reset `DateTime` field to `null`](
- [Feature request: Being able to select entries to download/export as JSON](
- [optional Int fields show NaN even if no values were entered](
- [Argument id for must not be null](
- [Prisma Studio prevents saving changes when nullable values](
- [Unable to deselect all relations](

Language tools (e.g. VS Code extension)

- [Add autocompletion for `shadowDatabaseUrl` in the datasource block](

Prisma engines

- [executeRaw does not work with updateMany mutation in transaction](
- [Migrate: catch soft reset errors in CLI](

📝 Help us improve our release notes

We want to ensure our release notes are as helpful as possible for you! You can help us achieve this by taking part in the poll in this [GitHub issue](

📺 Join us for another "What's new in Prisma" livestream

Learn about the latest release and other news from the Prisma community by joining us for another ["What's new in Prisma"]( livestream.

The stream takes place [on Youtube]( on **Thursday, March 04** at **5pm Berlin | 8am San Francisco**.

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