Today, we are excited to share the `2.12.0` stable release 🎉
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Major improvements
Standalone Prisma Studio app for macOS
We have repackaged Prisma Studio to work also as a standalone macOS application. This should help you run Studio with just a double click and without opening your terminal, just in case you quickly want to browse or edit your data.
Download the installation files from the [Studio release page]( Support for more platforms (Windows and Linux) will come soon. Let us know if which one you would want first!
Prisma codemods help upgrading your codebase
With today's release, we took the opportunity to cleanup some rough edges in the Prisma Client API which partially results in _breaking changes_. To help you with upgrading your codebase to `2.12.0`, we're introducing [`prisma/codemods`](
The `prisma/codemods` package provides a powerful CLI that scans your codebase and automatically updates the code to the new API calls from the provided version.
The upgrade workflow looks like this:
cd my-app
npm install prisma/cli prisma/client
npx prisma/codemods update-2.12 ./
Microsoft SQL Server now supports native database types (Preview)
Hot off the presses: You can now use database native types with Microsoft SQL Server! You'll need to specify both `previewFeatures = ["microsoftSqlServer", "nativeTypes"]` to get started:
generator js {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["microsoftSqlServer", "nativeTypes"]
datasource ms {
provider = "sqlserver"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
model User {
id BigInt id default(autoincrement()) ms.BigInt
name String? ms.VarChar(255)
model Post {
id BigInt id default(autoincrement()) ms.BigInt
title String ms.VarChar(100)
views BigInt default(0) ms.BigInt
wordCount Int default(0) ms.SmallInt
Note that Prisma Migrate does not yet work with Microsoft SQL Server, nor does Prisma Client Go.
Upcoming Prisma Migrate Preview Release
We’ve got a Preview release of Prisma Migrate nearing up with a large set of changes. You can test it in Early Access, see the upcoming changes, and provide feedback! Get started with the Early Access version [here](
To join the conversation, join the [`product-feedback`]( channel on our [Slack](
Breaking changes
As mentioned before, we're cleaning up the Prisma Client API which partially results in breaking changes. You can upgrade to the latest version using the new `prisma/codemods` package as explained above.
Remove non-`$` methods
A few months back, we began prefixing our top-level Prisma methods with `$`. For example, `prisma.transaction` became `prisma.$transaction`. We did this to avoid clashes with your application's model names.
The non-`$` methods were deprecated but continued to work until this release. In this release, we removed the deprecated methods.
This means **if you are still using calls like `prisma.transaction` or `prisma.disconnect` instead of `prisma.$transaction` or `prisma.$disconnect` in your code, your app is going to break after upgrading to `2.12.0`**.
The `prisma/codemods` workflow describe above will automatically fix any remaining non-$ methods in your codebase.
You can read more about this change in on [Github](
1-1-relations must now have an optional side
In this version, we're adding a new requirement for [1-1-relations]( that you define in your Prisma schema. In previous versions, it used to be allowed to have both sides of the relation _required_. As of this release, the _virtual_ side of the relation (i.e. the side that does _not_ store the foreign key in the underlying database) must be optional.
model User {
id Int id default(autoincrement())
name String?
profile Profile // ❌ this is not allowed as of 2.12.0
model Profile {
id Int id default(autoincrement())
user User relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
model User {
id Int id default(autoincrement())
profile Profile? // ✅ the virtual side of the relation needs to be optional
model Profile {
id Int id default(autoincrement())
user User relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
The easiest way to adjust your schema to these new requirements is by running the `introspect` command which will automatically make the virtual relation fields optional on 1-1-relations:
npx prisma introspect
Fix how data for `Json[]` fields is stored
We fixed how the `Json[]` type is stored in `2.12.0`. Previously, we were storing JSON arrays as a string inside a your database's `JSON` column. Now, we properly encode JSON arrays as `JSON` in the database. This fix will allow us to add database native JSON operations down the line.
If you are using the `Json[]` type in your schema, you'll need to migrate your data. We anticipate this breaking change will only affect a handful of folks. Please reach out to us in [this issue]( and we'll help you with the migration.
Here is an overview of how the behaviour changes in `2.12.0`:
| Given | `2.11.0` | `2.12.0` |
| :-------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------- |
| `[]` | `[[]]` | `[]` |
| `[{test:"test"}]` | `["{\"test\":\"test\"}"]` | `[{"test":"test"}]` |
| `[{ test: "test" }, { test: "test2" }]` | `["[{\"test\": \"test\"}, {\"test\": \"test2\"}]"]` | `[{"test": "test"},{"test": "test2"}]` |
| `[3]` | `3` | `[3]` |
Rename `findOne` to `findUnique`
This release renames `findOne` to `findUnique` and deprecates `findOne`.
We made this change to reduce confusion. Many people expected `findOne` to be more loose, e.g: "Find the first record that matches my conditions.".
The `prisma/codemods` workflow describe above will automatically rename `findOne` to `findUnique` across your codebase.
Move most types under the `Prisma` namespace
We moved most of the generated types under a new `Prisma` namespace and are deprecating the top-level exports. This change also resolves some existing namespace clashes.
import { PrismaClient, User, UserCreateInput } from 'prisma/client'
async function createUser(input: UserCreateInput): Promise<User> {
return prisma.user.create(input)
import { PrismaClient, User, Prisma } from 'prisma/client'
async function createUser(input: Prisma.UserCreateInput): Promise<User> {
return prisma.user.create(input)
This means that with this release, there are exactly three kinds of exports in `prisma/client`:
1. `PrismaClient` is the constructor your Prisma Client instance
1. Model types, e.g. `User` and `Post`
1. `Prisma` as the new namespace under which you can now access the remaining generarted types
The `prisma/codemods` workflow describe above will automatically fix the type names in your code!
With this change, we've greatly reduced the number of *reserved words* that could clash with your application's names. Go forth and add models with names like `Transaction` or `Aggregate`!
Fixes and improvements
- [Improve .raw`` template literal API with helpers](
- [Remove GraphQL related reserved words](
- [Collect `dbgenerated()` values in an issue via "warning" output in Introspection](
- [Json arrays are not properly stored in underlying postgres jsonb array type ](
- [Replace `findOne` with `findUnique`](
- [Schema validator is not validating optionality of relations on both ends](
- [Use TypeScript namespaces to separate Prisma & Application types](
- [Enable updating foreign keys in updateMany](
- [Json[] isn't working anymore](
- [Fields are ignored in WHERE clause](
- [Native Types Postgres: Creating a record with empty arrays for field types json[], jsonb[] not working](
- [Create codemod for namespace change](
- [Prisma2 blocks prisma generate on unsupported platforms, even when providing custom binaries](
- [Cleanup old non-$ methods](
- [Fix version pinning logic](
- [Warn, if more than `n` Prisma Client instances are instantiated](
- [Add codemod for $ deprecation](
- [SQL Server raw queries panic when having multiple result sets](
- [Improve debug output of array values](
- [[Javascript] Better error message than `TypeError: Cannot read property 'findMany' of undefined` for non existing model?](
- [Remove Aggregate as reserved word](
- [Test and stabilize Unix Domain Sockets](
- [ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "User"](
- [Suggest using `name` on index when creation fails because of length](
- [Display relation fields differently than scalar fields](
- [Warn about provider array deprecation in the VSCode plugin](
- [Improve logging of language server](
- [When saving changes to the database, do it one transaction](
- [Studio server does not resolve environment variables correctly](
- [Focus first cell of a newly created record](
- [When you start typing in a number cell directly, it is considered an invalid change](
- [Send the "server listening" message only after the server has started](
- [Supporting native types on SQL Server](
Huge thanks to matt-eric, muxahuk for helping!