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Today, we are issuing the `5.1.1` patch release.

Fixes in Prisma Client

- [Browser bundle: Unhandled Runtime Error when upgrading to 5.1.0 from 5.0.0 ](
- [Prisma Client: `disconnect: true` does not appear to delete the foreign key in the returned data](
- [Prisma Client errors with "TypeError: Cannot create proxy with a non-object as target or handler" when using result client extension with no `needs` and `count` method](


-- Sends 3 statements (instead of 5)
UPDATE "User" SET name = 'updated' WHERE "User".id = 1 RETURNING "User".id, "User".name;
SELECT "id", "postId" FROM "Post" WHERE "Post".id = 1;
UPDATE "Post" SET title = 'updated' WHERE "Post"."userId" = 1 AND "Post".id = 1;

In the next releases, we will continue optimizing Prisma Client queries to only run the minimal amount of SQL queries necessary.

If you notice any Prisma Client queries that are affected right now, please check the issues under [our `performance/queries` label]( If you didn’t find one for what you’re seeing, please [create a new issue]( This will be super useful for us to understand all (edge) cases. Thank you!

Prisma Studio now supports `directUrl`

Our CLI command `prisma studio` that opens Prisma Studio now also can use the [`directUrl`]( property of the `datasource` block so you can make it talk to a different database than defined in `url`. This makes it easier to use Studio alongside the Prisma Data Proxy and [Accelerate](

Prisma Client: No more type clashes

We fixed (almost) all cases where using a specific term as a model name in your Prisma Schema would lead to a *type clash* due to Prisma’s generated typings. As a result of a type clash, it was not possible to use that model in your code (this was e.g. the case if you named a model `Model` or `ModelUpdate`).

We also deprecated the `<ModelName>Args` type as part of that fix. Going forward, `<ModelName>DefaultArgs` should be used instead.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client

- [Reduce the number of generated SQL statements for Updates/Inserts](
- [[v2.17.0] Missing client TS types Aggregate*Args](
- [Reduce transactions for writes](
- [Incorrect Include typings when having models called `X` and `XUpdate`](
- [Model named "Check" is incorrectly typed](
- [Models named Query cause an internal GraphQL Parse Error](
- [Naming an entity "Query" leads to an error](
- [Type name clash when `Model` and `ModelUpdate` is defined in the schema ](
- [Duplicate identifier 'CheckSelect'](
- [`prisma/internals` (previously prisma/sdk) uses deprecated dependencies `uuid3.4.0` via `temp-write 4.0.0`](
- [naming a model `Datasource` breaks generated return types](
- [Certain `model` names cause clashes in generated types](
- [Type error on query with select field (although query runs successfully)](
- [`$extends` TS error: "Inferred type of this node exceeds the maximum length the compiler will serialize" with `"declaration": true` in `tsconfig`](
- [Update operation includes multiple where statements for the same fields](
- [Type conflict when naming a table {something} and a second table {something}Result ](
- [`Type '"findUniqueOrThrow"' is not assignable to type 'PrismaAction'`](
- [Naming a model `Promise` breaks types for `PrismaPromise`](
- [Prisma can't connect with an IPv6 host (on e.g.](
- [`include` not working on models ending with `...Update` with unique compound index](
- [Prisma Client: fixing type name clashes from generated client](
- [Prisma Client: wrong type when using spread operator to set default values on query args](
- [The generated updateArgs have no update attribute](
- [4.16.1 breaks type check](
- [`LogLevel` enum conflicts with built-in Prisma type](
- [Using `Prisma.XyzFindManyArgs` breaks `findMany` typing in v4.16.0+](
- [`this.$on("beforeExit")` doesn't work anymore on 5.0.0](
- [Wrong nullable types with fluent API in Prisma 5.0](
- [`Error: Unknown value type` on nested create](
- [Prisma 5.0 Migration `findUnique` on `unique` columns that are enums](
- [`<Tablename>UpsertArgs` select field does not match type for `db.<tablename>.upsert(item)`](
- [TypeScript Error TS2322 when assigning JavaScript Date object to Prisma DateTime field](
- [npm install of Prisma CLI fails on preinstall with no logs when Node.js version is lower than minimum](
- [Types wrongly accept non-array parameter `by` in `groupBy` in 5.0.0](
- [CLI errors with `TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL` when `HTTP(S)_PROXY` en var has is set to a URL without a protocol](
- [`tsc --watch` fails with `JavaScript heap out of memory` error](
- [Hovering over types (intellisense) shows confusing `GetResult`](
- [Internal query batching fails when the table name is 'stores'](
- [Client extensions result extensions should be applied after query extensions](

Prisma Studio

- [Use `directUrl` in `prisma studio`](

Language tools (e.g. VS Code)

- [The extension for VS Code ignores the modern telemetry flag](
- [Prisma VS Code extension with mongodb provider crashes when a relation field/type is not defined ](
- [Editing schema.prisma results in wasm panics](


Huge thanks to skyzh, alula, michaelpoellath, RobertCraigie, Gerschtli, andyjy, mejiaej, iurylippo, mrazauskas for helping!


We’re excited to share the `5.0.0` release today 🎉

Prisma `5.0.0` contains a lot of changes that improve Prisma’s performance, especially in serverless environments. If you want to learn more about the performance improvements, we wrote a blog post that sums up all the changes we made: [Prisma 5: Faster by Default](

As this is a major release, it includes a few breaking changes that might affect a small group of our users. Before upgrading, we recommend that you check out our [upgrade guide]( to understand the impact on your application.

🌟 **Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or [tweeting]( about the release.** 🌟


Here’s a summary of the changes:

- Preview features moved to General Availability
- `jsonProtocol`: improves communication between Prisma Client and the query engine, makes Prisma faster by default.
- `fieldReference`: adds support for comparing columns of the same table.
- `extendedWhereUnique`: adds support for non-unique columns inside `where` clauses for queries that operate on unique records.
- General improvements and breaking changes
- Dependency version changes
- Minimum Node.js version change to 16.13.0
- Minimum TypeScript version change to 4.7
- Minimum PostgreSQL version change to 9.6
- Prisma Client embedded SQLite version upgrade to 3.41.2
- Main Changes
- Removal of `rejectOnNotFound` property
- Removal of some array shortcuts
- `cockroachdb` provider is now required when connecting to a CockroachDB database
- Removed `runtime/index.js` from the generated Prisma Client
- Other Changes
- Removal of deprecated flags in the Prisma CLI
- Removal of the `beforeExit` hook from the library engine
- Removal of deprecated `prisma2` executable
- Removal of deprecated `experimentalFeatures` generator property in the Prisma schema
- Renamed `migration-engine` to `schema-engine`

A JSON-based protocol that improves Prisma’s performance

We’re thrilled to announce that the `jsonProtocol` Preview feature is now Generally Available. You can now remove the Preview feature flag from your schema after upgrading. We made the JSON-based wire protocol the **default protocol** used for communication between Prisma Client and the query engine.

We introduced this feature in version [4.11.0]( to improve Prisma’s performance. Previously, Prisma used a GraphQL-like protocol to communicate between Prisma Client and the query engine. Applications with larger schemas had higher CPU and memory consumption compared to smaller schemas which created a performance bottleneck.

The JSON-based wire protocol improves efficiency when Prisma Client is communicating with the query engine.

Removal of array shortcuts

We took the opportunity to remove some array shortcuts to make our typings more consistent and logical. These shortcuts were a way to add a single element as a value to an array-based operator instead of wrapping a single element in an array. We will now require array values for the following:

- `OR` operator shortcuts
- `in` and `notIn` operator shortcuts
- PostgreSQL JSON `path` field shortcut
- Scalar list shortcuts
- MongoDB Composite types list shortcuts

Here’s an example query using the `OR` operator shortcut for a single element;

await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
- OR: { email: '' }
+ OR: [{ email: '' }]

We recommend taking a look at the [upgrade guide]( to learn how you can update your queries to work in Prisma 5.

Support for comparing multiple columns

We’re excited to announce that the `fieldReference` Preview feature is now stable and Generally Available. This means you can use this feature without the Preview feature flag in your Prisma schema.

We first introduced this feature in [4.5.0]( to add the ability to compare columns on the same table. For example, the following query returns records where the `quantity` value is less than the `warnQuantity` of a product:

await prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
quantity: { lte: prisma.product.fields.warnQuantity }

To learn more about this feature, refer to our [documentation](

Support for filtering non-unique columns in queries for a unique record

We’re excited to announce the `extendedWhereUnique` Preview feature is now Generally Available. This means you can use the feature without the Preview feature flag in the Prisma schema.

We first introduced this feature in version 4.5.0 to add support for non-unique columns inside `where` clauses for queries that operate on unique records, such as `findUnique`, `update`, and `delete`, which was previously not possible.

For example, consider the following model:

model Article {
id Int id default(autoincrement())
content String
version Int

You can filter on non-unique columns such as the `version` field as follows:

await prisma.article.findUnique({
where: {
id: 5,
version: 1 // filter on the `version` field was not available before Prisma 4.5.0

To learn more about this feature, refer to our [documentation](


Today, we are issuing the `4.16.2` patch release.

Fixes in Prisma Client

- [4.16: (MongoDB) Generated types for list composites are incorrect](
- [Getting wrong types with prisma client extensions](
- [Prisma Client fluent API does not work with extends anymore on 4.16.1](
- [Prisma Client Extensions: `$allModels: { $allOperations }` sets query type to `never` ](
- [Result types are incorrectly inferred when `undefined` explicitly passed to `select`/`include`](


Today, we are issuing the `4.16.1` patch release.

Fixes in Prisma Client

- [Field references are not available on extended clients](
- [4.16.x cannot wrap `$extend` in factory function when `compilerOptions.composite` is `true`](
- [Prisma Schema Type inside a Type not generating a right Payload](
- [Query in findMany in prisma extends returns a wrong type](
- [4.16.0 Count query is not returning the right type when in a transaction](
- [FindMany returns wrong type after extending prisma client](
- [Can't specify $queryRawUnsafe return type after extending prisma client](


🌟 **Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or [tweeting]( about the release.** 🌟


This release promotes the following [Preview]( features to [General Availability](

- Prisma Client extensions
- Ordering by nulls first and last
- Count by filtered relation

Prisma Client extensions are Generally Available

Today, we’re very excited to announce that [Prisma Client extensions]( are Generally Available and production-ready! This means you can use the feature without the `clientExtensions` Preview feature flag.🚀

Prisma Client extensions are a powerful new feature for adding functionality on top of your Prisma Client in a type-safe manner. With this feature, you can create simple, but flexible solutions.

Prisma Client extensions have 4 different types of components that can be included in an extension:

- [**Result** extensions]( components: add custom fields and methods to query result objects, for example, virtual/computed fields.
- [**Model** extensions]( components: enable you to add new methods to your models alongside existing model methods such as `findMany`.
- [**Query** extensions]( components: let you hook into the lifecycle of a query and perform side effects, modify query arguments, or modify the results in a type-safe way. These are an alternative to [middleware]( that provide complete type safety and can be applied in an ad-hoc manner to different extensions.
- [**Client** extensions]( components: allow you to add new top-level methods to Prisma Client. You can use this to extend Prisma Client with functionality that isn’t tied to specific models.

const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends({
name: "extension-name",
result: { /* ... */ },
model: { /* ... */ },
query: { /* ... */ },
client: { /* ... */ },

You can also create and publish extensions for others to use. Learn more about how to share extensions in our [documentation](

More features and changes made to Client Extensions

We also made the following improvements to Prisma Client extensions in preparation for General Availability:

- Added a top-level `$allOperations` method for `query` component that captures all model operations as well as top-level raw queries. Refer to our [documentation]( for more information.

const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends({
query: {
$allOperations({ args, query, operation, model }) {
/* your extension's logic here */

- [`Prisma.validator`]( can now also be used for extended types:

const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends({/* ... */})
const data = Prisma.validator(prisma, 'user', 'findFirst', 'select')({
id: true,

- `query` callbacks for `$queryRaw` and `$executeRaw` will always receive `Sql` instance as `args`. This instance can be used to compose a new query using `Prisma.sql`:

const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends({
query: {
$queryRaw({ args, query }) {
return query(Prisma.sql`START TRANSACTION; ${args}; COMMIT;`)

- `$on` cannot be called after extending Prisma Client. Therefore, if you want to use event handlers together with extensions, we recommend using the `$on` method before `$extends`.

const prisma = new PrismaClient()
.$on(/* ... */)
.$extends({/* ... */})

- We updated the import path for utilities used for authoring extension to `prisma/client/extension` rather than `prisma/client`

+ import { Prisma } from "prisma/client/extension"
- import { Prisma } from "prisma/client"

Deprecating Middleware

We also took this opportunity to [deprecate]( Prisma Client’s [middleware]( We recommend using to using [Prisma Client `query` extension components]( which can be used to achieve the same functionality and with better type safety.

> 🚧 Middleware will still be available in Prisma Client’s API. However, we recommend using Prisma Client extensions over middleware.

Ordering by nulls first and last is now Generally Available

Starting with this release, we’re excited to announce that `orderByNulls` is now Generally Available! This means you can use the feature without the `orderByNulls` Preview feature flag.🌟

We introduced this feature in [4.1.0]( to enable you to sort records with null fields to either appear at the beginning or end of the result.

The following example query sorts posts by `updatedAt`, with records having a null value at the end of the list:

orderBy: {
updatedAt: { sort: 'asc', nulls: 'last' },

To learn more about this feature, refer to our [documentation](

We’re excited to see what you will build! Feel free to share with us what you build on Twitter, Slack, or Discord.

Count by filtered relation is now Generally Available

This release moves the `filteredRelationCount` Preview feature to General Availability! This means you can use the feature without the `filteredRelationCount` Preview feature flag.

We first introduced this feature in [4.3.0]( to add the ability to count by filtered relations.

The following query, for example, counts all posts with the title “Hello!”:

await prisma.user.findMany({
select: {
_count: {
select: {
posts: { where: { title: 'Hello!' } },

To learn more about this feature, refer to our [documentation](

Introspection warnings for expression indexes

In the last two releases, [4.13.0]( and [4.14.0](, we added 9 introspection warnings. These warnings surface features in use in your database that cannot currently be represented in the Prisma schema.

In this release, we’re adding one more introspection warning to the list: [expression indexes](

On database introspection, the Prisma CLI will surface the feature with a warning, and a comment in your Prisma schema for sections for each feature in use. The warnings will also contain instructions for workarounds on how to use the feature.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client

- [Attach comments to enum values](
- [Extend Prisma Client](
- [Triple-slash Comments should attach to Composite Types](
- [Nested disconnect fails on MongoDB with extendedWhereUnique](
- [[ClientExtensions, TypeScript] Fields of custom type aren't available when using the ClientExtensions preview-feature, unless `select`'d explicitly. ](
- [Extensions incorrect typings generated (casing)](
- [Misleading error message of `prisma generate` when running it directly after installing `prisma`](
- [Prisma.validator: with clientExtensions enabled, Typescript can no longer compute types](
- [enum docstrings do not make it to the prisma client](
- [VScode behavior is very slow while using clientExtensions](
- [Client extensions in interactive transactions are bound to the base client](
- [`$runCommandRaw` is not passing the expected data to middleware or client extension](
- [PCE: Improve runtime types in raw query extensions](
- [Sequential transactions run out of order when using client extensions and middleware](
- [Client Extension: Make `.prismaVersion.client` available on "prisma/client/scripts/default-index"](
- [Cannot create record with Prisma.DbNull when clientExtensions enabled](
- [Extended client raw queries fail when using the Prisma.sql helper](
- [jsonProtocol: array shortcut is missing for `distinct` field](
- [Prisma Client Extension: support `Prisma.validator`](
- [Prisma Client: make `clientExtensions` GA ](
- [PCE: Query extensions of `$queryRawUnsafe` also triggers `$allModels.$allOperations`](
- [PCE: `$on` applied to an extended client is also bound to the parent client](
- [Type "never" returned from nested properties when using "select" after enabling data proxy + accelerate](
- [`$queryRaw*` is broken in interactive transactions together with `clientExtensions` in `4.16.0-dev.17`](
- [Deploying to an offline environment fails because it tries to download a Prisma engine checksum file ](
- [jsonProtocol: Wrong error message shown for validation error for checked/unchecked types](
- [Bug: FindXOrThrow don't get batched on the engine](

Prisma Migrate

- [Allow skipping sha checksum](
- [Documentation not available in DMMF for MongoDB `type`s](
- [`prisma db pull` gets rid of `default(uuid())` on re-introspection](

Language tools (e.g. VS Code)

- [`Go to Definition` does not work when target model contains a field with a type name that starts with the same name](

Prisma Studio

- [`Error: spawn xdg-open ENOENT` on `prisma studio`](

📺 Join us for another "What's new in Prisma" live stream

Learn about the latest release and other news from the Prisma community by joining us for another ["What's new in Prisma"]( live stream.

The stream takes place [on YouTube]( on **Thursday, June 22** at **5 pm Berlin | 8 am San Francisco**.

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