
Latest version: v0.8.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Disable delete buttons for files from SD card


* Hide print button on MINI
* Fix logs displaying
* Fix word wrapping and breaking in logs
* Fix modal dialog z-index
* Fix printing image preview and progress responsivity
* Add optional name and location to page heading


* Project preview is now not dependent on `/api/job` endpoint
* Added new configuration parameter `WITH_COMMAND_SELECT=true` to send `select` to start
* Prepared to take metadata for SL1 from `/api/files` endpoint instead of `/api/job`


* Removed page `Temperatures`
* Fix formatting of percentages
* Reworked text styles
* Changed minimal width of sidebar node
* Changed white color to light gray


* Fix M1 icons
* Add USB icon for USB storage
* Avoid unnecessary requests to BE for file metadata
* Hardcode storages list to printers


* Updated free space logic
* Fixed storage tabs behavior

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