
Latest version: v0.8.1

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* Add a v4l2 workaround so broken camera handles are disqualified from scan


* Rpi5 first boot fix
* Fix power panic stuck at Resend
* Fix startup issues on RPi 5
* Wait a bit for printer to finish moves after waking up from power panic
* Sync files upon Upload finish
* Support newer "//action" without the space
* Fix the new image missing the libcamera dependency
* Improve message shown when preparing a power panic recovery
* Fix print stats not ignoring the skipped part of gcode after PP
* Ensure power panic info is written to persistent storage
* Fix active tool not re-setting to None when told to
* Use printer mid-movement power panic recovery trick
* Fix the multi-instance proxy. Again
* Stop showing the tune menu after connecting to the printer
* Use the 2023-10-10 Raspberry Pi OS base image for the image builder
* Decrease the severity of web server access log messages
* Add a way to download logs even on systemd journal based systems
* Bump the API version so it is the same as the xBuddy reported one
* Support the new multi-level telemetry data structure
* Don't send over serial when temperature calibration is running
* Periodically send a keepalive gcode to keep the printer in PrusaLink mode
* Support the set ready and cancel ready LCD menu toggle
* Add gcodes that flag the state of a usb print for the printer statistics to get saved
* Handle the new re-print LCD menu item
* Add the initial support for the MMU
* Add Power Panic support
* Make ->Ready to recover dissapear sooner from the LCD
* The minimum firmwre version has been increased to 3.14.0
* Fix the multi-instance proxy


* Add an automatic PrusaLink image builder script
* Add multi-instance documentation
* Telemetry improvement
* Attempt to turn the RPi wifi power management off in the images


* Fixed HTTP response status on HEAD request for non-existing files
* Attribute ro renamed to read_only
* Fix printer returning to READY instead of IDLE
* Respect the X-Forwarded-Prefix header in Wizard
* Add focus support for the v4l2 cameras
* Add a multi-instance web waypoint, use a reverse proxy to navigate to the correct instances
* Automatically redirect from the multi-instance waypoint if exactly one printer is configured
* Fix missing error detail pages
* Fix an error when dosconnecting from a cammera that failed to connect
* Fix an intermittent error that was killing instances for like two years
* Differentiate between multi instance printers by showing the printer number on the LCD screen
* Static Web update
- Fix behavior on SD card ejection
- Add simple camera focus control if supported
- Add default value for connect hostname
- Update translations
- Add tooltips for error status texts in telemetry
- Add confirmation modal to overwrite a file by upload
- Fix undefined printer states displaying
- Hide zero temperatures in telemetry
- Add support to be running behind the proxy
- Fix folder deletion button
- Fix prusa connect port handling in URL builder
* Hold the STOPPED and FINISHED state for at least 11s
* Fix MK2(.5)S SN being broken on multi-instance images
* Implemented UPGRADE high lvl Connect command


* Fixed printer sends info about api key change to Connect after change
* Added the network error beep setting to the web API
* Support renaming gcodes directory (cfg and API)
* Added a multi-instace auto config and starter utility
* Disable error beeps during prints
* Static Web update
- Using v1 endpoints for job and transfer
- Creating and Deleting folders
- Translation update
- Network error chime control
- Default storage names
- Upgrade procedure rework


* Added v1 endpoints for flat filesystem structure, old struct is moved to
files_legacy file
* Added api/v1/update/<env> GET endpoint
* Printer name and location are added to register url as query parameters,
if available
* Static Web update
- Apply UI/UX refactoring
- Add support for max-age cache control
- Add control of last-modified header for snapshots
- Add drop zone to files storage
- Remove manual camera connection dialog
- Migrate to files api v1
- PrusaLink update
* Added Force header to api/v1/files/<storage>/<path> DELETE endpoint for
deletion of non-empty folder
* Changed Print-After-Upload header value check for PUT
* Added endpoint to start printing file
* Removed the original picamera driver
* Raspberry Pi Camera support utilizing libcamera directly
* Hardware encoding support. (Pi Zero W manages FullHD snapshots without issues)
* Fix "unicam" appearing when a Raspberry Pi camera is connected
* Fix not following the configured resolution
* Added api/v1/status endpoint
* Added new endpoint for updating prusalink python package
* Added api/v1/transfer endpoint

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