
Latest version: v0.8.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add debug outputs to investigate project picture collision


* Removed unnecessary colon after hostname in Dashboard
* Switched from to data.printer for settings end point


* All not available project properties are hidden
* Toaster messages are now sticky to window bottom
* Increased padding between the preview widget and bottom content
* Fixed printing time estimations missmatching
* No log file will be selected by default anymore
* Files with size above 100MB won't be loaded into textarea
* Added missing Czech translations


* Fixed log viewer
* Added possibility to change user login and password
* Added possibility to change printer name and location


* Fixed padding for preview widget on Dashboard and Projects page


* Fixed progress bar behavior when printing is finished
* Fixed error handling for periodic requests
* Page heading is sticky now
* Telemetry sidebar is sticky now
* Added frontend version to the Settings page
* Fixed 'undefined' error pop up heading in some cases


* Added persistent `/api/job` polling without a rely on the `state.flags.printing`

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