
Latest version: v2024.7.30

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* Added to the results by using cclib to parse the output.
* If ~/SEAMM/psi4.ini did not exist the version that was automatically created was
not complete, causing calculations to fail.


* Psi4 uses codes like DFTD4 and DFTD4 for parts of e.g. dispersion
calculations. This release adds them to the Conda install SEAMM uses for Psi4.


* There was a typo in the name for the gradients, such that they could not be output
to Results.json.
* The units for the energy and gradients in Results.json were incorrect.

2024.5.23.1 -- Internal fix for creating Docker image.


* Added 'energy' and 'gradients' to optional results to support e.g. Energy Scan
* Fixed crashing bug in description of the Energy substep.


* Updated the installer to use the new version of the SEAMM installer.
* Finalizes installing either with Conda or Docker


* Added short names for the methods (Hamiltonians) and DFT functionals.
* Catch errors in Psi4 calculating properties for e.g. CISD(T) method

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