
Latest version: v2024.5.23.3

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* Psi4 is now available on CondaForge, so install from there if requested.
* Psi4 crashes if asked to optimize and atom, so change to doing a single point
energy is optimization is requested for and atom.


* Added structure to the orbital plots
* Fixed a bug if the default number of cores was not 'available'


* Added thermochemistry substep to compute the vibrational and other corrections for
* Added ability to create .cube files for plotting the density and orbitals.


* Able to set convergence criteria.
* Options for damping. level shifting and second-order SCF
* Set default for number of steps for optimization to 6*nAtoms to
make it more explicit.


* Check and throw errors for various issues when running Psi4, including whenever it
does not complete successfully according to the output.


* Yet another part needed to be removed.

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