
Latest version: v2024.5.23.3

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* OptKing is causing compatibility issues, and is not currently being used in the
Python, so am temporarily removing it.



* Corrected bugs, including if no dispersion term requested
* Added preliminary version of accelerated optimization using
MOPAC for Hessians, etc. May not fully work at the moment.
* Updated documentation theme and structure to match new style.




* Updated the README file to give a better description.
* Updated the short description in to work with the new installer.
* Added keywords for better searchability.



* Updated for compatibility with the new system classes in MolSystem
2021.2.2 release.



* Internal: switching CI from TravisCI to GitHub Actions, and in the
process moving documentation from ReadTheDocs to GitHub Pages where
it is consolidated with the main SEAMM documentation.

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