- Mitigated the gamma get/set fails caused by Microsoft release 1903. PsychoPy - now avoids using these calls unless gamma-setting is really needed - gives more info about the cause. See more info in [troubleshooting gamma ramp](https://www.psychopy.org/troubleshooting.html#errors-with-getting-setting-the-gamma-ramp) - provides an option to skip gamma-setting entirely - Slider wasn't allowing the units to be "from experiment settings" [commit:23d80b49f](https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/commit/23d80b49f) - Setting the conditions rows from another conditions file was causing "Error path is on mount... start on mount..." [commit:2e8cd2183](https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/commit/2e8cd2183) - Mac 'tab' key was reporting itself as 'escape' with new Keyboard [commit:95326cadd](https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/commit/95326cadd) - PSTBox Python3 incompatibility (although there may be more) [commit:da83429d6](https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/commit/da83429d6) - better scaling of rating scale (Slider) in Form [commit:d115e63cb](https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/commit/d115e63cb) - Stencil for Form was being activated immediately rather than when needed [commit:9daeba94d](https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/commit/9daeba94d)
- for the `pip install` version (incorrectly packaged) there was an error "NameError: name ‘pythonExec’ is not defined" - JS version system now drops the final (bugfix) release number (3.2.3 -> 3.2 in JS lib) - Cedrus response box now supports keys as a variable value in Builder 2608 - QUestPlusHandler now supports "unkown" kwargs 2610
- timing of first frame was being given an extra (unecessary) delay if images were loaded 8ddab41 - potential app crashes if no internet avilable 63aa7e0 b3e15f9 - Builder under OS X was not launching experiments if filename contained a space 1b205df
- Python2 installations crashed when trying to launch studies from Builder due to the use of a modern argument to subprocess not supported by Python2 2596 - If Builder script had an error then printing of that error was sometimes being split across the output *frame* and the output panel of Coder 2594
- a faster sound engine, based on Psychtoolbox sound - better timing for Builder Components, by predicting actual time of screen flips
**We're currently just testing this version so beware (use 3.1.5 for actual studies)**
It's all about the new timing improvements!
TIMING improvements:
- **new Sound backend 'PTB' which is much faster** than any of the alternatives on all operating systems (using the C code from Psychtoolbox thanks to Mario Kleiner) : - when combined with pre-scheduling (e.g. start playback on upcoming win.flip()) this can generate sub-ms precision and sub-ms lag! - works with standard audio hardware - **better timing of visual stimuli** when timing by 'secs' (rather than frames): - new feature to request info from the Window about next expected flip - t in a Builder scripts is now time from first frame (so synched to visual stims) - **better timing on the keyboard responses** of the JavaScript experiments due to timestamping asynchronously with your script
- Standalone installations now provide an updated Cedrus library, pyxid2 - Support for new [LabHackers USB2TTL8](https://labhackers.com/usb2ttl8.html) device (parallel port alternative) - Envelope grating now has exponent (power) option
- Long-standing issue with lots of print-statements (e.g. on every frame) crashing Builder scripts - Support for Pyglet 1.4 (although text scaling appears to have changed a little) - Some serial devices (photometers) were not compatible with Python3 string/bytes conversion - Too many more to mention...!