Final bug-fix release **before the new PsychoPy 3.0 launch**
* Fixes to MovieStim2 not having vlc available in Mac distribution
* Added msgpack_numpy to mac distribution
* Fixes event code creation for Black Box ToolKit [1830](
* Removed redundant 'apply' button in preferences [1832](
* Fixes problem with setting gamma with pyglet v1.3+ [1834](
* Removes 'unknown color space' warning if user is using named colors [1836](
* Fixes refcount error, raised when monitor centre was closed [1838](
* For Py3, JSON calibration files are now loaded into monitor list [1839](
* Fixes layout problem with RTL locale causing broken dialogs in the app [1840](
* Anti-buzzing fix applied to sounddevice backend [1847](
* Implements checks for variable name clashes between builder and conditions file [1852](
* Reduced code redundancy for _getRegionOfFrame, and can get single pixels from front buffer [1854](
* Hex color space can now be specified as a window setting in Experiment Settings [1857](
* Sound duration can now be specified in conditions files [1858](