
Latest version: v3.2.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Release binary packages including PostgreSQL 17 libpq (:ticket:`852`).



- Drop `!TypeDef` specifications as string from public modules, as they cannot
be composed by users as `!typing` objects previously could (:ticket:`860`).
- Release Python 3.13 binary packages.



- Fix packaging metadata breaking ``[c]``, ``[binary]`` dependencies



.. rubric:: New top-level features

- Add support for integer, floating point, boolean `NumPy scalar types`__
- Add `!timeout` and `!stop_after` parameters to `Connection.notifies()`
- Allow dumpers to return `!None`, to be converted to NULL (:ticket:`377`).
- Add :ref:`raw-query-cursors` to execute queries using placeholders in
PostgreSQL format (`$1`, `$2`...) (:tickets:`560, 839`).
- Add `capabilities` object to :ref:`inspect the libpq capabilities
<capabilities>` (:ticket:`772`).
- Add `~rows.scalar_row` to return scalar values from a query (:ticket:`723`).
- Add `~Connection.cancel_safe()` for encrypted and non-blocking cancellation
when using libpq v17. Use such method internally to implement
`!KeyboardInterrupt` and `~cursor.copy` termination (:ticket:`754`).
- The `!context` parameter of `sql` objects `~sql.Composable.as_string()` and
`~sql.Composable.as_bytes()` methods is now optional (:ticket:`716`).
- Add `~Connection.set_autocommit()` on sync connections, and similar
transaction control methods available on the async connections.
- Add a `size` parameter to `` to enable results retrieval in
chunks instead of row-by-row (:ticket:`794`).

.. rubric:: New libpq wrapper features

- Add support for libpq functions to close prepared statements and portals
introduced in libpq v17 (:ticket:`603`).
- Add support for libpq encrypted and non-blocking query cancellation
functions introduced in libpq v17 (:ticket:`754`).
- Add support for libpq function to retrieve results in chunks introduced in
libpq v17 (:ticket:`793`).
- Add support for libpq function to change role passwords introduced in
libpq v17 (:ticket:`818`).

.. rubric:: Other changes

- Drop support for Python 3.7.
- Prepared statements are now :ref:`compatible with PgBouncer <pgbouncer>`.
- Disable receiving more than one result on the same cursor in pipeline mode,
to iterate through `~Cursor.nextset()`. The behaviour was different than
in non-pipeline mode and not totally reliable (:ticket:`604`).
The `Cursor` now only preserves the results set of the last
`~Cursor.execute()`, consistently with non-pipeline mode.

.. __:



- Use the simple query protocol to execute COMMIT/ROLLBACK when possible.
This should make querying the PgBouncer admin database easier
- Avoid unneeded escaping checks and memory over-allocation in text copy
- Bundle binary package with OpenSSL 3.3.x (:ticket:`847`).
- Drop macOS ARM64 binary packages for macOS versions before 14.0 and Python
before 3.10 (not for our choice but for the lack of available CI runners;



- Fix unaligned access undefined behaviour in C extension (:ticket:`734`).
- Fix excessive stripping of error message prefixes (:ticket:`752`).
- Allow to specify the ``connect_timeout`` connection parameter as float
- Improve COPY performance on macOS (:ticket:`745`).

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