
Latest version: v3.2.3

Safety actively analyzes 666181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure


Not secure

- First public release on PyPI.


How to make a psycopg release

- Check if there is a new version or libpq_ or OpenSSL_; in such case
update ``LIBPQ_VERSION`` and/or ``OPENSSL_VERSION`` in

.. _libpq:

.. _OpenSSL:

- Check if there is a new `cibuildwheel release`__; if so, upgrade it in

.. __:

- Use ``tools/`` to upgrade package version numbers.

- Push to GitHub to run `the tests workflow`__.

.. __:

- Build the packages by triggering manually the ones requested among:

- `Source packages`__
- `Binary packages`__
- `Pool packages`__

.. __:
.. __:
.. __:

- Delete the ``wheelhouse`` directory there is one.

- Build m1 packages by running ``./tools/build/ BRANCH``.
On successful completion it will save built packages in ``wheelhouse``

- If all packages were built ok, push the new tag created by ````::

git push --tags

- Download the ```` package from the last Packages workflow run.

- Unpack the packages in the wheelhouse dir::

mkdir -p wheelhouse
cd wheelhouse
unzip ~/Downloads/

- If the package is a testing one, upload it on TestPyPI with::

$ twine upload -r testpypi *

- If the package is stable, omit ``-r testpypi``::

$ twine upload *

- Run ``tools/ -l dev`` to bump to the next dev version.

When a new PostgreSQL major version is released

- Add the new version to ``tools/`` and run the script to add
new error classes.

- Run the script ``tools/`` to add new oids. Use ``-h`` to get
an example docker command line to run a server locally.

- Check if there are new enum values to include in:

- ``psycopg_c/psycopg_c/pq/libpq.pxd``;
- ``psycopg/psycopg/pq/``.

- Include the new version in GitHub Actions test and package grids.

- Bump ``PG_VERSION`` in the ``macos`` job of

- ``.github/workflows/packages-bin.yml``.
- ``.github/workflows/tests.yml``.

- Bump ``pg_version`` in ``tools/build/``.

- Bump the version in ``tools/build/wheel_win32_before_build.bat``.

- Update the documented versions in:

- ``docs/basic/install.rst``;
- ``content/features/`` in the psycopg-website repository.

When a new Python major version is released

- Add the new version to the relevant test matrices in
``.github/workflows/tests.yml`` and ``.github/workflows/packages-bin.yml``.

- Update ``docs/basic/install.rst`` with the correct range of supported Python

- Add the ``Programming Language :: Python :: 3.<X>`` classifier to
``psycopg/setup.cfg``, ``psycopg_c/setup.cfg`` and ``psycopg_pool/setup.cfg``.

- Update the list of versions in ``tools/build/`` to include
the new version. Look for both the ``python_versions`` variable and the
``CIBW_BUILD`` environment variable.

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