
Latest version: v3.2.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix possible deadlock on pipeline exit (:ticket:`685`).
- Fix overflow loading large intervals in C module (:ticket:`719`).
- Fix compatibility with musl libc distributions affected by `CPython issue
65821`__ (:ticket:`725`).

.. __:



- Fix multiple connection attempts when a host name resolve to multiple
IP addresses (:ticket:`699`).
- Use `typing.Self` as a more correct return value annotation of context
managers and other self-returning methods (see :ticket:`708`).



- Fix empty ports handling in async multiple connection attempts



- Fix use of ``service`` in connection string (regression in 3.1.13,
- Fix async connection to hosts resolving to multiple IP addresses (regression
in 3.1.13, :ticket:`695`).
- Respect the :envvar:`PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT` environment variable to determine
the connection timeout.



- Fix :ref:`interaction with gevent <gevent>` (:ticket:`527`).
- Add support for PyPy (:ticket:`686`).

.. _gevent:



- Raise `DataError` instead of whatever internal failure trying to dump a
`~datetime.time` object with with a `!tzinfo` specified as
`~zoneinfo.ZoneInfo` (ambiguous offset, see :ticket:`652`).
- Handle gracefully EINTR on signals instead of raising `InterruptedError`,
consistently with :pep:`475` guideline (:ticket:`667`).
- Fix support for connection strings with multiple hosts/ports and for the
``load_balance_hosts`` connection parameter (:ticket:`674`).
- Fix memory leak receiving notifications in Python implementation

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