
Latest version: v1.1.0

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_No release summary included._


* improvement: render OAS3 parameter type formats (5796)
* improvement: `showCommonExtensions` support for OAS3 parameters (5901)
* improvement: support for supportedSubmitMethods property in react component (5376)
* improvement: do not require basic password in UI (5812)
* improvement: add isShownKey prop to Operation to allow overriding (5196)
* fix(docker-image): send relative HTTP 301s from within container (5409)
* fix: expanding model when query param showExtensions=true exists (5918)
* fix: incorrect PropType in Model ImmutablePureComponent (5921)
* fix: OAS3 online validator badge (5909)
* housekeeping: add static distribution file documentation (5095)
* housekeeping: update plugin api component for failSilently (5953)


_No release summary included._

* feature(swagger-ui-react): `defaultModelExpandDepth` and `plugins` props (5594)
* improvement: clear auth information from memory when logging out (5316)
* improvement: use type 'password' instead of text for client secret (5262)
* housekeeping(docs): https path for unpkg link (5769)
* housekeeping: fix logo size (5702)
* housekeeping: fix `npm run lint` and `npm test` on Windows (5737)
* housekeeping: `npm audit fix` (5718, 5772, 5805)



* housekeeping: `npm audit fix` (5718)


This release reverts Swagger UI's upgrade to `redux^4` (via 5569), which was causing test failures in downstream projects.


⚠️ **This release includes security updates. You should upgrade to this version if you use Swagger UI to render untrusted documents.**

Specifically, this version updates Swagger UI's `dompurify` dependency to `^2.0.7`, which mitigates our exposure to `dompurify`'s [mXSS vulnerability]( that was disclosed earlier this week.


* fix: code highlight styles are now only applied `pre.microlight` (5673)
* housekeeping: npm audit resolutions (5681)
* housekeeping(deps): redux v4 (5569)
* housekeeping(deps): redux-immutable v4 (5639)
* housekeeping(dev-deps): babel monorepo (5682)
* housekeeping(dev-deps): cypress3.6.0 (5683)



* feature: add PKCE support for OAuth2 Authorization Code flows ([5361](
* fix: `parameterMacro` functionality for OAS3 ([5617](
* fix(validateParam): validate JSON values + support `Parameter.content` ([5657](
* fix: overweight dependencies in PKCE implementation ([5658](

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