[4.6.0](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/compare/v4.5.2...v4.6.0) (2022-03-01)
* **build:** webpack5 and webpack-dev-server4 ([7826](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/7826)) ([07d346b](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/commit/07d346b5169ff18be8170b72404d573eb24be196))
* **swagger-ui-react:** add support for persistAuthorization prop ([7842](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/7842)) ([67dd4f6](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/commit/67dd4f6a8daca575ef9b824f785f554d05079041)), closes [#7389](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/7389)
Additional Notes
SwaggerUI is now built using `webpack5`, with dev support for `webpack-dev-server4`
- ES Module output bundle path now points to `swagger-ui-es-bundle-core`, which does not include dependencies
- No change to CommonJS output bundle or path
- Now uses Asset Modules, which replaces `file-loader`, `raw-loader`, and `url-loader`
- Removed unused rules/loaders for `.woff | .woff2 | .ttf | .eot` fonts and html
- Node polyfills are no longer bundled with `webpack5`, and must be loaded separately and/or use `resolve.fallback`. As an example, SwaggerUI loads `process`, `buffer`, and `stream-browserify` as `devDependencies` in order to build development and production bundles.
- Now imports `swagger-ui-es-bundle-core`, and similarly outputs `swagger-ui-es-bundle-core` to its `dist` directory
- Order of execution matters for the production npm build scripts. `build-stylesheets` needs to get built first,
then cleanup of any empty artifacts, before building the various production bundles
- `Dev-helpers` now relies on `HTMLWebpackPlugin` to inject css and bundle files