- Parameter `classification` removed from `OrgClient.create_org()`
- Parameter `legal_hold_membership_uid` removed from `LegalHoldClient.get_all_matter_custodians()`
- Removed `ArchiveClient`. Use `ArchiveModule`.
- Removed function `ArchiveModule.get_data_key_token()`.
- Removed function `ArchiveModule.get_web_restore_info()`.
- Parameter `classification` removed from `OrgClient.create_org()`.
- Parameter `legal_hold_membership_uid` removed from `LegalHoldClient.get_all_matter_custodians()`.
- Removed `SecurityClient`. Use `SecurityModule`.
- `py42.sdk.util`. Use `py42.util` instead.
- `py42.sdk.settings`. Use `py42.settings` instead.
- `py42.sdk.response`. Use `py42.response` instead.
- `py42.sdk.usercontext`. Use `py42.usercontext` instead.
- Parameter `active_state` was renamed to `active` and now accepts (True, False, or None)
instead of ("ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", or "ALL") on the following `LegalHoldClient` methods:
- `get_all_matters()`
- `get_all_matter_custodians()`
- Parameter `storageaccess` was removed from `SDKClient`. To restore files, just use
- Parameter `active_state` was renamed to `active` and now accepts (True, False, or None)
instead of ("ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", or "ALL") on the following `LegalHoldClient` methods:
- `get_all_matters()`
- `get_all_matter_custodians()`
- `py42.sdk.archive.stream_from_backup()` now raises `Py42ArchiveFileNotFoundError` when it does not find a file.
- `py42.sdk.alerts` and `py42.sdk.detectionlists` raise `Py42SessionInitializationError` if they are unable to
connect to the necessary microservice and `Py42FeatureUnavailableError` if their environment does not support
the microservice.
- `py42.sdk.securitydata.get_security_plan_storage_info_list()` raises `Py42SecurityPlanConnectionError` if it can't
connect to get plan info.
- Storage node connection issues may raise `Py42StorageSessionInitializationError`.
- All requests may raise a subclass of `Py42HTTPError` denoting which type of HTTP error it is:
- `Py42BadRequestError`
- `Py42UnauthorizedError`
- `Py42ForbiddenError`
- `Py42NotFoundError`
- `Py42InternalServerError`
- `py42.modules.ArchiveModule` methods:
- `get_all_device_restore_history()` (formerly `get_restore_history_by_device_id()`)
- `get_all_user_restore_history()` (formerly `get_restore_history_by_user_id()`)
- `get_all_org_restore_history()` (formerly `get_restore_history_by_org_id()`)
now all return generator objects that handle paging through restore history.
- Renamed `AlertClient.get_query_details()` to `AlertClient.get_details()`.
- Renamed `SecurityModule.get_plan_security_events()` to `get_all_plan_security_events()`.
- Renamed `SecurityModule.get_user_security_events()` to `get_all_user_security_events()`.
- py42 specific exceptions at new module `py42.exceptions`:
- `Py42Error`
- `Py42ArchiveFileNotFoundError`
- `Py42SessionInitializationError`
- `Py42FeatureUnavailableError`
- `Py42SecurityPlanConnectionError`
- `Py42HTTPError`
- `Py42BadRequestError`
- `Py42UnauthorizedError`
- `Py42ForbiddenError`
- `Py42NotFoundError`
- `Py42InternalServerError`
- Parameters `archive_password` and `encryption_key` added to `ArchiveModule.stream_from_backup()`.