- Ability for users to provide their own logger for debug logging
- adds `sdk.detectionlists.refresh_user_scim_attributes()` to update user SCIM attributes in detection lists.
- An issue that caused requests to `sdk.alerts.rules.get_all()`, `sdk.alerts.rules.get_all_by_name()`, and `sdk.alerts.rules.get_by_observer_id()` to fail due to a change made to their backing api.
- The default value of `py42.settings.items_per_page` has been changed to 500 (was 1000).
- Default debug logging moved from print statements to a logger writing to `sys.stderr`
- Debug logging levels now use standard levels from the `logging` module (old levels still work but are now
automatically mapped to appropriate `logging` module level, with both `debug.DEBUG` and `debug.TRACE` being mapped
to `logging.DEBUG`, as `DEBUG` is the lowest level of the `logging` module options).