- The following methods now support string timestamp formats (`yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS`) as well as a `datetime` instance:
- `sdk.auditlogs.get_page()`, arguments `begin_time` and `end_time`.
- `sdk.auditlogs.get_all()`, arguments `begin_time` and `end_time`.
- `sdk.securitydata.get_all_plan_security_events()`, arguments `min_timestamp` and `max_timestamp`.
- `sdk.securitydata.get_all_user_security_events()`, arguments `min_timestamp` and `max_timestamp`.
- The `departure_date` parameter for methods:
- `sdk.detectionlists.departing_employee.add()`
- `sdk.detectionlists.departing_employee.update_departure_date()`
now support a `datetime` instance.
- The following methods on timestamp-based query filters (e.g. `EventTimestamp`, `DateObserved`) now support string timestamp format (`yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS`) as well as a `datetime` instance:
- `on_or_before()`
- `or_or_after()`
- `in_range()`
- Removed faulty `within_the_last()` method from `sdk.queries.alerts.filters.alert_filter.DateObserved`.
- Added new exception `Py42UserAlreadyExistsError` to throw if `create_user()` throws `500` and body contains
- Added `Py42ActiveLegalHoldError` exception when attempting to deactivate a user or device in an active legal hold.
- `py42.sdk.users.deactivate()`
- `py42.sdk.devices.deactivate()`
- Added additional user-adjustable setting for security events page size:
- `py42.settings.security_events_per_page`
- Page page_number and page_size parameters for saved search queries:
- `py42.securitydata.savedsearches.get_query()`
- `py42.securitydata.savedsearches.execute()`
- `sdk.alerts.update_state()` method to update state.
- Support for two-factor authentication in `sdk.from_local_account()`
- `OrgSettings` and `DeviceSettings` classes to help with Org and Device setting management.
- `sdk.orgs.get_settings(org_id)` now returns an instance of `OrgSettings` which can be used to view
existing Org settings and modify them by passing the updated `OrgSettings` object to `sdk.orgs.update_settings()`
- `sdk.devices.get_settings(org_id)` now returns an instance of `DeviceSettings` which can be used to view
existing Device settings and modify them by passing the updated `DeviceSettings` object to `sdk.devices.update_settings()`
- `sdk.auditlogs` method:
- `sdk.auditlogs.get_page()`
- `sdk.auditlogs.get_all()`
- `py42.sdk.queries.query_filter.filter_attributes` renamed to `py42.util.get_attribute_keys_from_class`