* Report E129 instead of E125 for visually indented line with same
indent as next logical line. (Issue 126)
* Report E265 for space before block comment. (Issue 190)
* Report E713 and E714 when operators ``not in`` and ``is not`` are
recommended. (Issue 236)
* Allow long lines in multiline strings and comments if they cannot
be wrapped. (Issue 224).
* Optionally disable physical line checks inside multiline strings,
using `` noqa``. (Issue 242)
* Change text for E121 to report "continuation line under-indented
for hanging indent" instead of indentation not being a
multiple of 4.
* Report E131 instead of E121 / E126 if the hanging indent is not
consistent within the same continuation block. It helps when
error E121 or E126 is in the ``ignore`` list.
* Report E126 instead of E121 when the continuation line is hanging
with extra indentation, even if indentation is not a multiple of 4.
Bug fixes:
* Allow the checkers to report errors on empty files. (Issue 240)
* Fix ignoring too many checks when ``--select`` is used with codes
declared in a flake8 extension. (Issue 216)
* Fix regression with multiple brackets. (Issue 214)
* Fix ``StyleGuide`` to parse the local configuration if the
keyword argument ``paths`` is specified. (Issue 246)
* Fix a false positive E124 for hanging indent. (Issue 254)
* Fix a false positive E126 with embedded colon. (Issue 144)
* Fix a false positive E126 when indenting with tabs. (Issue 204)
* Fix behaviour when ``exclude`` is in the configuration file and
the current directory is not the project directory. (Issue 247)
* The logical checks can return ``None`` instead of an empty iterator.
(Issue 250)
* Do not report multiple E101 if only the first indentation starts
with a tab. (Issue 237)
* Fix a rare false positive W602. (Issue 34)