
Latest version: v2.12.1

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* Honor `` noqa`` for errors E711 and E712. (Issue 180)

* When both a ``tox.ini`` and a ``setup.cfg`` are present in the project
directory, merge their contents. The ``tox.ini`` file takes
precedence (same as before). (Issue 182)

* Give priority to ``--select`` over ``--ignore``. (Issue 188)

* Compare full path when excluding a file. (Issue 186)

* New option ``--hang-closing`` to switch to the alternative style of
closing bracket indentation for hanging indent. Add error E133 for
closing bracket which is missing indentation. (Issue 103)

* Accept both styles of closing bracket indentation for hanging indent.
Do not report error E123 in the default configuration. (Issue 103)

Bug fixes:

* Do not crash when running AST checks and the document contains null bytes.
(Issue 184)

* Correctly report other E12 errors when E123 is ignored. (Issue 103)

* Fix false positive E261/E262 when the file contains a BOM. (Issue 193)

* Fix E701, E702 and E703 not detected sometimes. (Issue 196)

* Fix E122 not detected in some cases. (Issue 201 and 208)

* Fix false positive E121 with multiple brackets. (Issue 203)



* When no path is specified, do not try to read from stdin. The feature
was added in 1.4.3, but it is not supported on Windows. Use ``-``
filename argument to read from stdin. This usage is supported
since 1.3.4. (Issue 170)

* Do not require ``setuptools`` in It works around an issue
with ``pip`` and Python 3. (Issue 172)

* Add ``__pycache__`` to the ignore list.

* Change misleading message for E251. (Issue 171)

* Do not report false E302 when the source file has a coding cookie or a
comment on the first line. (Issue 174)

* Reorganize the tests and add tests for the API and for the command line
usage and options. (Issues 161 and 162)

* Ignore all checks which are not explicitly selected when ``select`` is
passed to the ``StyleGuide`` constructor.



* Report E227 or E228 instead of E225 for whitespace around bitwise, shift
or modulo operators. (Issue 166)

* Change the message for E226 to make clear that it is about arithmetic

* Fix a false positive E128 for continuation line indentation with tabs.

* Fix regression with the ``--diff`` option. (Issue 169)

* Fix the ``TestReport`` class to print the unexpected warnings and



* Hide the ``--doctest`` and ``--testsuite`` options when installed.

* Fix crash with AST checkers when the syntax is invalid. (Issue 160)

* Read from standard input if no path is specified.

* Initiate a graceful shutdown on ``Control+C``.

* Allow changing the ``checker_class`` for the ``StyleGuide``.



* Support AST checkers provided by third-party applications.

* Register new checkers with ``register_check(func_or_cls, codes)``.

* Allow constructing a ``StyleGuide`` with a custom parser.

* Accept visual indentation without parenthesis after the ``if``
statement. (Issue 151)

* Fix UnboundLocalError when using `` noqa`` with continued lines.
(Issue 158)

* Re-order the lines for the ``StandardReport``.

* Expand tabs when checking E12 continuation lines. (Issue 155)

* Refactor the testing class ``TestReport`` and the specific test
functions into a separate test module.



* Allow sphinx.ext.autodoc syntax for comments. (Issue 110)

* Report E703 instead of E702 for the trailing semicolon. (Issue 117)

* Honor `` noqa`` in addition to `` nopep8``. (Issue 149)

* Expose the ``OptionParser`` factory for better extensibility.

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