* Report E226 instead of E225 for optional whitespace around common
operators (``*``, ``**``, ``/``, ``+`` and ``-``). This new error
code is ignored in the default configuration because PEP 8 recommends
to "use your own judgement". (Issue 96)
* Lines with a `` nopep8`` at the end will not issue errors on line
length E501 or continuation line indentation E12*. (Issue 27)
* Fix AssertionError when the source file contains an invalid line
ending ``"\r\r\n"``. (Issue 119)
* Read the ``[pep8]`` section of ``tox.ini`` or ``setup.cfg`` if present.
(Issue 93 and 141)
* Add the Sphinx-based documentation, and publish it
on https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/. (Issue #105)