
Latest version: v0.15.2

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- Fix issue with the primitive type JSON serialization (Thanks `filippomc <>`_ for raising the issue).




- Add new JSON options to register a special encoder/decoder for ``JsonResource`` (Thanks `ewoudwerkman <>`_ for the suggestion).
- Add possibility to "reaffect" ``EStructuralFeatures`` that are collections. This implies that considering a reference ``myref`` for an instance ``obj``, then ``obj.myref = [*instances]`` is not allowed. The collection is not replaced per-say, but the collection ``myref`` is emptied, and the elements of the collection on the right-side of the affectation are inserted in the ``myref`` collection.


- Fix issue with JSON resources not using ``to_string(...)`` for ``EDataType`` instances (Thanks `ewoudwerkman <>`_ for the issue).
- Fix issue with multiple re-loading and writing of a resource in the same target file (Thanks `arrys <>`_ for the issue and the case study).


- Deprecate Python 3.7 (needs a special version of ``lxml``)
- Fix/update english of the README.rst (Thanks `arrys <>`_ for the pull request)

*En memoria de Rosa Nallely Murillo Vazquez (03/12/2023) quien fue una investigadora muy creativa, una increíble química, y tuve suerte de ser su esposo.*




- Add json resource in global registry. The json resource is now registered by default, it's not necessary anymore to explicitly register it
- Add argument passing to ``Resource`` instances from a ``ResourceSet``. This feature allows the user to pass arguments to a resource when using ``get_resources`` or ``create_resources`` from a ``ResourceSet``.


- Fix issue with file protocol starting with ``file:/`` (Thanks `jameswpm <>`_ for the ticket and the discussion).
- Fix deserialization of boolean in json resources.
- Fix enum literals serialization in json resources. Depending on the "level" where's defined the EnumerationLiteral, the serialization should be different: (1) if serialization happens at the metamodel level, all the internal information of the EnumerationLiteral should be written in the json file, (2) if serialization happens at the model level (a model uses a literal defined in the metamodel it conforms to), the EnumerationLiteral should be serialized only by its name.


- Pass from "beta" to "stable".
- Add pypy 3.9 and 3.10 as target test Python VM.
- Fix CHANGELOG.rst.




- Fix Elements not loaded in to ``EList``.
- Update ResourcePython for CVE-2023-37271.




- Fix issue with serialization of references in JSON for static metamodels.
- Fix issue with the serialization of ``EEnum`` in JSON.
- Fix issue with the computation of ``eResource`` for static metamodels.




- Add support for ``EGeneric`` super types. The support is only for dynamic metamodels right now, right now, it misses a way of encoding/generating them in the static metamodel (if they are dynamically added to a static ``EClass``, it will work though).
- Add alternative MRO computation in some cases. The inheritance tree in some ecore file cannot be mapped on a normal Python inheritance tree, even after reordering (or it requires a more complex reordering). This patch simply provides a new mro computation if such a case is found. The patch activates itself if needed, in almost all normal cases, it will be disabled.
- Add attribute handling in ``DynamicEPackage``.
- Add support for item deletion in ordered sets.
- Add preservation of order for XMI/JSON serialization and deserialization. This means that successive serialization/deserialization of a resource without modification will always yield the same result. If a modification is performed in the resource, then saved, a simple textual diff between the old XMI/JSON and the new one will only higlight the modification. Thanks `ubmarco <>`_ for the suggestion.


- Fix issue with (de)serialization of references in JSON.
- Fix missing f-string in JSON resources. Thanks `pablo-campillo <>`_ for the pull request.
- Fix ``URI.relative_from_me`` method for resources (de)serialization. Thanks `jamoralp <>`_ for the pull request.
- Fix missing import of ``chain``. Thanks `ubmarco <>`_ for the pull request.


- Drop Python 3.5 support.
- Some performance improvement.

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