- Add support for object proxies. The PyEcore proxy works a little bit differently from the Java EMF proxy, once
the proxy is resolved, the proxy is not removed but is used a a transparent
proxy (at the moment) and is not an issue anymore for type checking. Proxies are
used for cross-document references.
- Remove resource-less objects from XMI serialization. This is a first step
towards objects removal. The added behavior allows the user to "remove"
elements in a way. If an element is not contained in a resource anymore, the
reference towards the object is not serialized. This way, anytime an object is
removed from a container and let 'in the void', XMI serialization will get rid
of it. However, this new addition requires that the Ecore metamodel is always
loaded in the global_registry (in case someone wants to serialize ecore files)
as a metamodel can references basic types (EString, EBoolean) which are
basically not contained in a resource.
- Fix bug on EStructuralFeature owner assignment when EClass is updated.