- Add first support for ``EDerivedCollection``. The derived collections are
obtained from many features that are also marked as derived. A derived
collection does not stores nor gets direct information, instead it fetches
information from other collection, compute a result and store it. In the
realisation, a derived collection will inherits from a generic derived
collection that only proposed an empty implementation. Then, the
implementation must be manually added.
- Add multi-root support for XMI and JSON resources. XMI and JSON with multiple
roots can now be serialized and deserialized. Their handling is pretty
transparent as the addition of a new root goes through the ``append(...)``
- Add a ``remove(...)`` method on resources. This method is pretty much the
opposite of the ``append(...)`` method on resources, it simply remove a
root from the resource.
- Exception when a wrong type value was inserted in a reference for generated
code. The call to the ``EcoreUtils.isinstance`` method were raising an
exception as the last part of the code tries to deal with an unexisting
methods from the generated class.
- Fix ``EProxy`` 'force resolve' for static metamodels. When a proxy is set
towards a static metaclass, the proxy resolution tries to handle the
inverse reference list which only exists in the ``.eClass`` "level".
Consequently, when a static metaclass is used, the corresponding ``EClass``
instance must be used.
- Add new module for basic values and collections. This module contains the
``ECollection`` and ``EValue`` classes. These class were formerly in the
``ecore`` module, but due to further development, it is better to have it
into a dedicated place. This modification is retrocompatible and invisible
for existing manual/generated code.