Breaking Changes
- Refactor the spline generation functions to make them more efficient,
more accurate, and more robust. Switched to using ``UnivariateSpline``
from ``scipy`` instead of ``BSpline``. This allows for more control
over smoothness of the spline via the ``smooth`` parameter.
References to BSpline has been removed from the functions and a new
functionality has been added. The new spline generation functions
are ``GeoSpline``, ``make_spline``, ``spline_linestring``,
``smooth_linestring``, ``spline_curvature``, and ``line_curvature``.
The ``smooth_linestring`` function now returns a ``LineString`` instead
of a ``Spline`` object. This function is intended for smoothing a
``LineString`` when curvature, radius of curvature, and tangent angles
are not needed. The ``spline_linestring`` function now returns a
``Spline`` object that contains the smoothed ``LineString`` and
curvature, radius of curvature, and tangent angles. Also, ``line_curvature``
function can be used to compute curvature, radius of curvature, and
tangent angles of a ``LineString`` at all point along the ``LineString``.
New Features
- Add a new function called ``gtiff2vrt`` for creating a VRT file
from a list of GeoTiff files. Note that this new function requires
``gdal`` to be installed.
- The ``xd_write_crs`` function now keeps ``spatial_ref`` attribute
of the input ``xarray.DataArray`` or ``xarray.Dataset`` to retain
CF compliance.