
Latest version: v0.18.0

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From release 0.15 onward, all minor versions of HyRiver packages
will be pinned. This ensures that previous minor versions of HyRiver
packages cannot be installed with later minor releases. For example,
if you have ``py3dep==0.14.x`` installed, you cannot install
``pydaymet==0.15.x``. This is to ensure that the API is
consistent across all minor versions.

New Features
- For now, retain compatibility with ``shapely<2`` while supporting



New Features
- Ignore index when concatenating multiple responses in ``json2geodf``
to ensure indices are unique
- Add a new function, called ``coords_list``, for converting/validating input
coordinates of any type to a ``list`` of ``tuple``, i.e.,
``[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]``.
- Make ``xd_write_crs`` function public.
- In ``xarray_geomask`` if the input geometry is very small return at least
one pixel.
- Add a new function, called ``multi2poly``, for converting a ``MultiPolygon``
to a ``Polygon`` in a ``GeoDataFrame``.
This function tries to convert ``MultiPolygon`` to ``Polygon`` by
first checking if ``MultiPolygon`` can be directly converted using
their exterior boundaries. If not, will try to remove those small
sub-``Polygon`` that their area is less than 1% of the total area
of the ``MultiPolygon``. If this fails, the original ``MultiPolygon`` will
be returned.

Breaking Changes
- Bump the minimum required version of ``shapely`` to 2.0,
and use its new API.

Internal Changes
- Sync all minor versions of HyRiver packages to 0.14.0.



Breaking Changes
- The input ``GeoDataFrame`` to ``break_lines`` now should be in
a projected CRS.

New Features
- Significant improvements in the accuracy and performance of
``nested_``Polygon` by changing the logic. Now, the function first
determines the nested ``Polygon`` by comparing the centroids of the
geometries with their geometry and then picks the largest geometry
from each group of nested geometries.
- Add a new function called ``query_indicies`` which is a wrapper around
``geopandas.sindex.query_bulk``. However, instead of returning an array of
positional indices, it returns a dictionary of indices where keys are the
indices of the input geometry and values are a list of indices of the
tree geometries that intersect with the input geometry.

Internal Changes
- Simplify ``geo2polygon`` by making the two CRS arguments optional
and only reproject if CRS values are given and different.
- Apply the geometry mask in ``gtiff2xarray`` even if the input geometry
is a bounding box since the mask might not be the same geometry as the
one that was used during data query.
- Fully migrate ``setup.cfg`` and ```` to ``pyproject.toml``.
- Convert relative imports to absolute with ``absolufy-imports``.
- Sync all patch versions of HyRiver packages to x.x.12.



Bug Fixes
- Fix an in issue ``xarray_geomask`` where for geometries that are smaller
than a single pixel, the bbox clipping operation fails. This is fixed by
using the ``auto_expand`` option of ``rioxarray.clip_box``.



New Features
- Add a new function called ``nested_``Polygon` for determining nested
(multi)``Polygon`` in a ``gepandas.GeoDataFrame`` or ``geopandas.GeoSeries``.
- Add a new function called ``geodf2xarray`` for rasterizing a
``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` to a ``xarray.DataArray``.

Internal Changes
- Modify the codebase based on `Refurb <>`__
- In ``xarray_geomask``, if ``drop=True`` recalculate its transform to ensure
the correct geo references are set if the shape of the dataset changes.



Internal Changes
- Improve the performance of ``xarray_geomask`` significantly by first
clipping the data to the geometry's bounding box, then if the geometry
is a polygon, masking the data with the polygon. This is much faster
than directly masking the data with the polygon. Also, support passing
a bounding box to ``xarray_geomask`` in addition to polygon and ``MultiPolygon``.
- Fix deprecation warning of ``pandas`` when changing the geometry column
of a ``GeoDataFrame`` in then ``break_lines`` function.

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