New Features
- Function ``gtiff2xarray`` returns a parallelized ``xarray.Dataset`` or ``xarray.DataAraay``
that can handle large responses much more efficiently. This is achieved using ``dask``.
Breaking Changes
- Drop support for Python 3.6 since many of the dependencies such as ``xarray`` and ``pandas``
have done so.
- Refactor ``MatchCRS``. Now, it should be instantiated by providing the in and out CRSs like so:
``MatchCRS(in_crs, out_crs)``. Then its methods, namely, ``geometry``, ``bounds`` and ``coords``,
can be called. These methods now have only one input, geometry.
- Change input and output types of ``MatchCRS.coords`` from tuple of lists of coordinates
to list of ``(x, y)`` coordinates.
- Remove ``xarray_mask`` and ``gtiff2file`` since ``rioxarray`` is more general and suitable.
Internal Changes
- Remove unnecessary type checks for private functions.
- Refactor ``json2geodf`` to improve robustness. Use ``get`` method of ``dict`` for checking
key availability.