
Latest version: v3.2.8.21

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* Seisan import will now correct latitudes and longitudes to -180,180 and -90,90
* Fixed some errors in the minimum finding function.
* Analyse spectra is more memory efficient
* Sentinel 5P help updated
* Hyperion import now imports to radiance.
* Fixed a bug in condition indices
* Progress bar for layer stack now displays correctly in mag inversion
* Fixed a bug where RGB images would cause a crash in raster viewer or csv export in 3D modelling software.
* MT Occam has stdout redirected to main interface.
* Inversion now uses weighted least squares regularization instead of Tikhonov (being depreciated in SimPEG)
* Bugfix, fixed an null value bug in visibility and gradients
* Fixed a possible bug with supervised classification and Pandas
* Fixed a bug causing modest_image code to break in Matplotlib 3.7
* Fixed a bug causing a crash when reading a file's metadata only.
* Disabled parallel processing in grvmag3d to stop a numba bug crashing PyGMI
* Sentinel 5P import can now clip with shapefiles and allows a threshold parameter
* Data merge function allows for more parameters.
* ASTER import loads projection in line with latest rasterio
* Fixed bug in WorldView data import using wrong date.
* Fixed incorrect wavelength calculation for WorldView
* Mosaic now keeps wavelength information.
* Added GeoEye to WorldView import
* Ratios can uses WorldView data with descriptive dataid.
* Update to rasterio in IGRF.
* Made some updates to API to move from GDAL to rasterio.

* Updated SimPEG inversion calls according to the new API
* Changed default mu to accommodate new API warning.
* Fixed a speed issue with the scatter plot tool.
* Replaced cm with colour maps because of Matplotlib API change
* In API, added data merge
* In API, added vmin and vmax calculation in data class
* Modestimage can now generate sun shading from API call
* Fixed a bug with the cursor size on 3D modelling
* Update to help files
* Bugfix - merge to median
* Fixed bug with vmin and vmax setting
* Bugfix - fixed a bug when deleting a dataset connected to the modeller, and then connecting new data might cause a crash when re-entering the modeller.
* PCA fit list bugfix.
* PCA - added fitting to list of files
* Mosaic - changed mean option to median
* Bugfix passing float instead of int
* Condition indices now have a 'Landsat (All)' option
* Expansion of raster merge capabilities for large files.
* Get_data will try to regular import if Landsat import fails.
* Fixed a bug when converting B3A in ratios
* Changed label from Landsat Composite to Landsat Temporal Composite
* API for import raster now allows bounds in coordinates
* Raster file list now has an export option.
* MNF and PCA calculations now accept remote sensing formats.
* Added new ratio - NMDI
* Ratios - improved calculations for round off error.
* Ratios - added ability to use sentinel 8A
* Added mean and standard deviation to equation editor for pixel mean and pixel standard deviation.
* Added some tests to

* Fixed a bug where gravity profiles exported from the 3D model had incorrect values.
* Raster import can now import multiple files at once.
* Fixed a bug where a crash occurred when sun shading was deselected.

* Removed GeoTIFF ZSTD export due to library issues.
* Updates to help files.
* Fixed spelling mistakes.
* Removed redundant code.
* Bugfix, scroll bars now match on main interface.
* Bugfix, MNF forward transform bands now labelled correctly.
* MNF and PCA will now output correct number of bands on inverse transform.
* Band ratios and condition indices now includes Landsat 9 data.
* WorldView Pan tile import bug fixed.
* WorldView data import sped up.
* Bugfix for crash when no land surface temperature data in condition indices.
* Satellite import now sorts bands
* Sentinel-2 import states band resolution to avoid duplicate band names.
* Added a button to reset the light, so light direction is reset to new rotation.
* MT edit EDI no longer crashes due to an error in the resize event.
* Fixed a bug where Birch cluster analysis needed c-contiguous arrays.
* Fixed a bug where some data entry points disappeared.
* Crash in gradients fixed.
* Ternary images can now display full histograms.
* AGC test added
* Thgrad test added
* Vertical test added.
* Landsat composite now allows for the target date to be manually set.
* Small updates to code and comments.
* Inversion tests
* Bugfix for cursor width and height not being integers.
* Observed data minimum is now correct in pfmod, if null values are present.
* In lstack, if masterid is True, and dxy is not null, dxy value will now be used.
* Magnetic inversion now allows for custom numbers of classes.
* Bugfix to mean mosaic
* Fixed bug mosaicing with different nodata and dtype values.
* Added Landsat composite
* Layer stacking now checks extents in addition to rows and columns
* Bugfix - spinbox setvalue now an integer.
* MNF forward transform now allows custom number of components
* Band sorting can be disabled for RGB images
* Explained variance ratio added to PCA band names.
* PCA added
* Fixed bug where ternary images were showing strange colors when data was clipped
* Raster Export will now sort the output bands, so that satellite data is in order.
* Bugfix, RTP now puts projection into output.
* Clustering is more memory efficient.
* Mini batch k-means has been added.
* New aster ratio added.
* Sentinel-2 zip files are now accepted in batch processing
* Cut raster will use first overlapping polygon in a multipolygon
* Some MultiPolygon support has been added.
* Fixed a bug which caused a crash if the text progressbar activates in a Windows console.
* Added 7/5, 6/2 and 7/3 Landsat 8 ratios to band ratio tool
* Sentinel data is now recognised in the batch import by S2A and S2B prefixes.
* Merge data will now merge based on shifting the last data to the mean overlap value.

* Fixed a nodata value problem with magnetic inversion.
* Fixed the import of some MODIS data types.
* Fixed a crash which occurs in seismology QA, when no data is found.
* Changed the x labels to vertical orientation, to fit more in.
* Bugfix to remove nodata from inversion.
* Fixed a bug where 'Other' datasets were not included in a model merge, causing a crash
* Fixed a bug where static shift was incorrectly applied when applying to all stations
* Fixed bad reference to wkt in pfmod
* Fixed a bug where null values could cause artifacts for second order tilt angle
* Exploration seismics viewer removed.
* All classes are now shown after loading a shapefile for supervised classification.
* Gridding will now apply a blanking distance for all methods.
* Fixed a bug causing a crash when using cut vector
* Fixed bug where rows and columns displayed were zero on start up, with some data.
* Hexbin plot will add data units, if defined.
* Visibility now accepts windows from 5 an up only.
* AGC has some null value issues fixed.
* Batch file import and related condition index and ratio calculations now support normal raster imports
* Landsat import bugfix.
* Ratio bugfix
* Masks will be taken only from bands used in ratio
* Added support for WV-3 and WV-2 tile import, as well as in ratios.
* Updated Magnetic inversion.
* Added magnetic inversion via the SimPEG library
* Added support for Landsat 9.
* Fixed a bug causing supervised classification to crash
* Gravity processing will now calculate drift based on datetime, and not on the order found in CG-5 file.
* GMT import now added to raster file imports
* Reproject will use specified input projection, as opposed to what was defined in the input data.
* Give more information for gravity drift
* A local projection is now assigned to datasets without a projection, to avoid errors later.
* Fixed a bug displaying too much information on Line Map.
* Data export now adds statistics for ease of use in ArcGIS
* Fixed misinterpretation of unicode strings in line data.
* Added encoding to open statements
* Layer stacking (API) now allows a master dataset to which all other layers are clipped.
* Modelling will not correctly use the DEM
* Added space delimited text files
* Fixed a bug causing vector reprojection to crash.
* Long projection information will now wrap correctly
* ENVI data import now correctly stores fwhm information
* Correlation graph now has a colour bar and improved numbering
* 2d correlation coefficient will now corrected take into account layers with differing mask.
* Text will use complementary colours.
* Layer stacking will us a common data type when data types of input bands are mixed.
* Raster image display defaults to no interpolation to avoid incorrect interpolation of null values.
* MODIS import now import LULC layer.
* MODIS import update
* Condition index now used a common mask between datasets, to avoid edge effects.
* A null value of 1e=20 is also enforced.
* Landsat level 2 science product images now convert DN to reflectance.
* Condition indices have been moved to a new module, and the calculation has been corrected.
* Equation editor now ensures that the output data type is the same as the input data type.
* Bugfix - fixed a bug where the ratio list was not displaying on start up.
* Updated error messages where no raster datasets are connected to a module or where there is no projection.
* Bug fixed where analyse spectra could tried to create spectra outside of the image.
* ASTER, Landsat and Sentinel-2 now store wavelength information properly
* Analyze spectra will sort spectra beforehand, and advise stacking when necessary
* Corrected wavelengths on Hyperion import
* Added support for Hyperion L1T data

* Added a warning if data has no projection
* Fixed a bug where the hyperbolic tilt angle had an invalid mask
* Fixed a bug where pressing 'OK' in display metadata caused a crash.

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