* Fixed bug with new IGRF data correction.
* Minor bugs
* Fixed a bug in merge tool when * is in band name
* Scatterplot tool displays classes using discrete colorbar.
* Membership maps now display between 0 and 1 only.
* Ginterp now includes membership data.
* Copy.copy has been converted to copy.deepcopy in some instances.
* Merge/mosaic now writes to disk to avoid memory slow downs.
* Fixed bug where masks could eliminate data for classification, if no data at that point in another layer.
* Fixed a bug on exiting mosaic
* Added a warning if no feature found in process features.
* Fixed a bug with importing xyz models, not having background.
* Comment corrections for headings
* Faster calculation of std dev in standard raster display.
* Large update to speed for ginterp with big images.
* Added projection information to Sentinel 5P import.
* Z value on graphs fixed
* Fixed some problems with MODIS import
* Fixed Geosoft xyz import
* Fixed a bug in minc.
* Bugfix for display of z values when zoomed into raster modest image
* Memory for MNF reduced on 1 step
* Fixed bug with min and max merging
* Merge tool has new options
* Improved detection of minimum feature value.
* IGRF code modified to allow for API calls and calculate faster
* Batch export from process features now describes the mineral in the file name.
* Updated help and option description.
* Bugfix merge tool
* Export raster will now export wavelengths and fwhm to ENVI, if present
* Update to MNF help
* MNF memory problem bugfix
* Added MNF
* Minimum curvature bugfix
* Process features bug
* Fixed a bug when importing bil files with nan values
* Update processing features to allow for feature depth thresholds
* Process features can now have new features added in features.py
* Raster export will export wavelengths and reflectance scale factors, if available.
* Any routine using hull removal is significantly faster, (e.g. feature processing)
* Merge has been renames layer stack.
* New merge module added to merge adjacent datasets (from rasterio)
* Added text progressbars to all classes where necessary (for testing)
* Merging can now have a common mask for all bands.
* Scipy nearest neighbour replaces quickgrid, linear and cubic options added to gridding as well as minimum curvature
* Fixed issue with merge assigning wrong nullvalue
* Change to output IGRF bands only.
* Added resampling of DTM to match magnetic data.
* Fixed a bug when exporting GeoTIFFs from ginterp.py
* Allows for datatype to be set, eg to uint8.
* Add sentinel 2 zip file functionality
* Added an import for Sentinel 2 data, with bands only
* Added AGC
* Fixed a labelling bug after merge
* Adds lower and upper clip functionality as well as display of clip values to histogram.
* Added total horizontal gradient