* Progress Bar on Main Interface. New progress bars include time left.
* Reprojecting bug fix for datasets with negative values.
* Fixes to tilt depth and new progress bars
* Added Column to tilt depth to specify contour id. Also removed redundant
progress bars. Sped up smoothing with median.
* Added tilt depth algorithm.
* Bug Fix with tilt angle.
* Added RTP.
* Cluster and Fuzzy analysis had a bug when connecting external data
* Changed where rows and columns displays on modelling software, for people
with lower resolution screens. Made small improvement to drawing speed on
profile view.
* Added references to the help.
* Modelling now has variable size cursor.
* Change to modelling cursor.
* Updates the behaviour of the slider on the profile view of the 3D
modelling module.
* Grids on kmz export were upside down
* Mag and Grav calculation buttons simplified.
* Gravity regional addition (scalar add) in modelling program now modify
calculated data, instead of observed data - so that original data is
* Update to kmz export. The export now can allow smooth models. Update
also allows new projection format for igrf, data reprojection and kmz
* Projections improved and expanded.
* GeoTIFF now save tfw world file. Contour GeoTIFFs are now 3 times
bigger, to improve resolution. Contour lines now have double thickness.
* Sunshaded GeoTIFF is now the same as the on screen version.
* Add save model to 3D modelling module.
* Primary Help completed.
* First version with a helpdoc button on main interface.
* Fixed a bug on the Geosoft import.