
Latest version: v1.7.0

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Release `0.20.1` is a patch release.


The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc.correct_lhc_global_coupling` function now supports a `call` and a `tolerance` arguments to be given to the `LMDIF` call in `MAD-X`.

What's Changed

* Small options in lhc api by fsoubelet in

**Full Changelog**:



* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.coupling.get_closest_tune_approach` function now supports the `run3` boolean argument introduced in version `0.19.1`, which is used for the ``LHC`` case.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.coupling` module now has a new function, `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.coupling.get_coupling_rdts`, which will return the coupling Resonance Driving Terms throughout all elements in the sequence as columns added to the `tfs.TfsDataFrame` returned after a ``TWISS`` call.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.coupling` module now has a new function, `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.coupling.get_cminus_from_coupling_rdts`, which first calls the new `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.coupling.get_coupling_rdts` and then wraps the `optics_functions.coupling.closest_tune_approach` to provide an estimate of the :math:`C^{-}` according to the desired calculation method.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc` module now has a new function, `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc.carry_colinearity_knob_over`, which will carry over the powering of ``MQSX`` magnets around an IP to a single side.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc` module now has a new function, `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc.correct_lhc_global_coupling`, which will runs a tricky routine to minimize the global :math:`|C^{-}|` through the ``dqmin`` variable.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc` module now has a new function, `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc.do_kmodulation` which simulates a `K-Modulation` of an inner triplet quadrupole ``Q1`` in a desired IR, and returns a `tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the results.


* Various docstrings have been corrected on wrong details, and some examples have been added.


* Various private helpers have been added through different modules.
* The minimum required version of `tfs-pandas` has been raised to ``3.2.0``.
* Increased test coverage.

What's Changed

* Changes for 0.20.0 by fsoubelet in

**Full Changelog**:


Version `0.19.2` is a patch release with no api changes, made to fix a publishing issue to `PyPI`.


Release `0.19.1` is a patch release.


* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc.get_lhc_tune_and_chroma_knobs` function now can has a new boolean argument, `run3`, to determine if the standard `_op` knobs should be returned.
* The functions in the `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.matching` module now also have the `run3` argument, and will call the Run 3 `_op` knobs if this argument is set to `True` and the `LHC` accelerator is passed.
* Fixes have been provided to the various Github Actions workflow of the repository.

What's Changed

* OP knobs by fsoubelet in

**Full Changelog**:



* The `pyhdtoolkit.plotting` package has a new sub-package, `` with modules to plot coupling (``) and phase (``) segment-by-segment results.
* The `` package has a new utility module, ``, with helpful functions for plotting.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc` module has a new function, `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc.get_lhc_bpms_twiss_and_rdts` to easily get coupling RDTs at all observation points (BPMs) in the LHC sequence.


* A new gallery was added showcasing the plotting of segment-by-segment coupling and phase results.


* The quadrupole component of a dipole is now plotted with the same shade as a regular quadrupole in `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.plotters.LatticePlotters.plot_latwiss`.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.plotters.LatticePlotter.plot_latwiss` function now plots the quadrupole gradient of a dipole with the same shade as a normal quadrupole.
* A new dependency, the `optics_functions` package, was added.
* The documentation for the `pyhdtoolkit.maths.plotting` module has been extended.
* Tests were added for the new functionality.
* Input files for various tests have been regrouped in relevant directories for clarity.

What's Changed

* Version 0.19.0 by fsoubelet in
* fix latex errors in gallery by fsoubelet in
* Tweaks by fsoubelet in

**Full Changelog**:



* The `pyhdtoolkit.utils._misc` module has a new function, `~pyhdtoolkit.utils._misc.add_markers_around_lhc_ip` to add `MAD-X` markers around a given IP in order to increase the resolution of the TWISS calls in the IP vicinity.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.utils._misc` module has a new function, `~pyhdtoolkit.utils._misc.get_lhc_ips_positions`, to determine the longitudinal position (S variable) of LHC IPs from a dataframe.
* The `pyhdtoolkit.utils._misc` module has a new function, `~pyhdtoolkit.utils._misc.draw_ip_locations`, to add labels with the location of LHC IPs to a given `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object.
* The `LHC Rigid Waist Shift` gallery has been improved, and now shows a visualization of the waist shift and two ways to calculate its value.

Bug Fixes

* The `~pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.orbit.lhc_orbit_variables` function does not return a wrong `on_phi_IR5` variable anymore.


* The dependency on `matplotlib` has been pinned to `<3.5` to avoid issues with the documentation plot style, to be fixed later on.
* The bibliography file for the package's documentation has been cleaned up.
* The Github icon in the documentation pages now redirects to the proper pages.
* The documentation for the `~pyhdtoolkit.maths.nonconvex_phase_sync` has been improved.
* Some additional files necessary for the documentation additions are now included in the repo, but not the package.

What's Changed

* Niceties and improved documentation by fsoubelet in

**Full Changelog**:

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