Release `0.15.0` brings the following changes.
- The `CORRECTOR_LIMITS` dict of dict in the `cpymadtools.constants` module has been changed to a simple dictionary and renamed `HLLHC_CORRECTOR_LIMITS` as it only contained HighLumi values.
- Exceptions are properly logged as exceptions, with stack information.
- The `LatticePlotter.plot_latwiss` function in the `cpymadtools.plotters` module can now plot the k1 gradient of dipoles that have one, if asked to, which will appear with a lower alpha than regular quadrupoles. A new boolean parameter `plot_dipole_k1` is used for this.
- Type hints have been added to all elements of the `cpymadtools.constants` module.
- Several new constants have been introduced in the `cpymadtools.constants` module:
- Supplementing the `DEFAULT_TWISS_COLUMNS` list, a similar but slightly different one, `MONITOR_TWISS_COLUMNS`, has been added with elements present in OMC macros.
- Constants lists for LHC triplets corrector knobs have been added: `LHC_KQSX_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCSX_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCSSX_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCOX_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCOSX_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCTX_KNOBS` with their signification in comments.
- Constants lists for LHC arc corrector knobs have been added: `LHC_KQTF_KNOBS`, `LHC_KQS_KNOBS`, `LHC_KSF_KNOBS`, `LHC_KSS_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCS_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCO_KNOBS`, `LHC_KCD_KNOBS`, `LHC_KO_KNOBS` with their signification in comments.
- A new module, `cpymadtools.correctors`, has been added with currently functionality to query LHC triplet and arc corrector powering status (relatively to their max powering).
- A new function, `reset_bump_flags` in the `cpymadtools.special` module which will reset all LHC IP bump flags to 0.
- The entire `cpymadtools.special` module is deprecated. Its contents are mirrored in a new `cpymadtools.lhc` module, which will be reorganised in a next release. Users are encouraged to use the new module, as `cpymadtools.special` will be removed entirely once `PyhDToolkit` reaches version `1.0`.