- A `misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles` function in the `cpymadtools.errors` module to conveniently apply `EALIGN` to IR quadrupoles.
- A `misalign_lhc_triplets` function in the `cpymadtools.errors`, convenience wrapper around the aforementioned one for triplets.
- A `correct_lhc_orbit` function in the `cpymadtools.orbit` module to perform orbit correction using `MCB.*` elements in the LHC.
- A `vary_independent_ir_quadrupoles` function in the `cpymadtools.special` to conveniently send the `vary` commands for the desired quadrupoles in the IRs.
- A `tune` module in `cpymadtools` with currently a `make_footprint_table` function that creates a `DYNAP` setup according to parameters and returns the generated table.
- An `utils.htc_monitor` module with functionality to query the HTCondor queue, process the returned data and nicely display it. To be ran directly, but different functionality can be imported.
- The `telescopic_squeeze` parameter in `match_tunes_and_chromaticities` now defaults to True, to reflect the LHC scenario as of Run III.
- The `get_ips_twiss` and `get_ir_twiss` functions have been moved from `cpymadtools.special` to `cpymadtools.twiss`.
- Fixed an issue in `plot_latwiss` where the function would sometimes mishandle the `xlimits` argument.
- Fixed a mistake in `apply_lhc_rigidity_waist_shift_knob` where the `side` argument would be ignored if uppercase.
Additional dependencies are `pydantic`, `rich` and `pendulum`. The `llvmlite` dependency is also added explicitely, though it is a dependency of `numba` and the version constraint is here to guarantee `pyhdtoolkit` will build on Python 3.9.
Tests now include Python 3.9.